Will God Reward Our Acts of Kindness to the Lost?

by Jack Wellman
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We know God will reward each person according to their works on earth, but what about the good things we do for lost people? Will God reward us for doing good things to those outside the church? The Invisible Elect We know God will reward each person according to their works on earth (Matt 16:27; […]

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5 Things About Biblical Faith

by Jack Wellman
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The Bible says a lot about faith, but what is true, biblical faith and how can we have it? Faith is More Than Hoping – Hebrews 11 The Bible says a lot about faith, but what is true, biblical faith and how can we have it? Read why faith is more than just hoping for […]

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How Abraham Proved His Faith By Works

by Jack Wellman
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How were Abraham and the other Old Testament saints saved? Saved, even before the cross? The Faith of Abraham It is obvious that the author or authors of Hebrews and James employed Genesis 22 in very similar manners. For example, it says that in Genesis 22 and Hebrews 11:6, 8-12 that Abraham believed God and […]

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Who Were The Judaizers?

by Jack Wellman
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Who were the Judaizers? Why is it important for us to know? Judah The word “Jew” doesn’t even appear in the Bible until 1 Kings 12:21, and when it does appear, the Jews are attacking Israel, but how can this be? Aren’t the Jews and Israel the same people or nation? They are not. After […]

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What Is The Purpose Of The Book Of James? A Bible Study

by Jack Wellman
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What is the purpose of the Book of James? The Author Scholars have little debate about this book being written by James, and he’s the same James which was the half-brother of Jesus. Even though James is Jesus’ half-brother, he still identifies himself as “James, a servant (lit. “Slave”) of God and of the Lord […]

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How Do You Perceive God?

by Guest
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What is your perception of God? What does the Bible say about religion? The ALEPH God wants us to know the importance of Who He is and how we perceive Him, so how do you think of God? Do you see Him as a loving Master or do you see Him as a task master? […]

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What Does It Mean to Work Out Your Own Salvation?

by Dr. Michael L. Williams
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When considering God’s gift of salvation, He made it clear in Scripture that salvation is not something that you can earn or work to attain (Ephesians 2:8-9; Titus 3:5). Yet, many people will point to certain verses in the Bible and use them to suggest that works are part of salvation. One such verse is […]

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