What Do I Say to People When I Share the Gospel?

by Jack Wellman
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Many people are at a loss for words when sharing the gospel, so what can you say to introduce the subject of faith in Christ? The Great Omission It is difficult to introduce the subject of the Gospel and Jesus Christ for the majority of people and that’s the reason why so few Christians evangelize […]

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Should Christians Minister to Unsaved People?

by Jack Wellman
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Christians are commanded to love, serve and pray for one another, but should Christians also minister to unsaved people? Attracted to Christ Christians are commanded to love, serve and pray for one another, but should Christians also minister to unsaved people? If I only did good things for Christians, any unsaved family or friends I […]

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Will God Reward Our Acts of Kindness to the Lost?

by Jack Wellman
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We know God will reward each person according to their works on earth, but what about the good things we do for lost people? Will God reward us for doing good things to those outside the church? The Invisible Elect We know God will reward each person according to their works on earth (Matt 16:27; […]

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Why Everyone is Called to be a Witness For Christ

by Jack Wellman
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The Great Commission given by Jesus Christ was not only for the disciples; it is given to the whole church as an imperative command. The Great Commission Omission  The Great Commission given by Jesus Christ was not only for the disciples; it is given to the whole church as an imperative command (Matt 28:18-20; Acts 1:8). […]

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How to Use Gentleness and Respect to Share the Gospel

by Jack Wellman
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The Bible tells us how we can more easily share the gospel when we share it with gentleness and respect. They Are Watching Us The Bible tells us how we can more easily share the gospel when we share it with gentleness and respect. I remember John MacArthur saying, “You might be the only Bible […]

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Why Christians Should Not Be Angry With Lost Sinners and Their Sin

by Jack Wellman
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Christians should not be angry at lost sinners but rather love them and pray for them. God’s First Move Christians should not be angry at lost sinners but rather love them and pray for them. First of all, there go we but by God’s grace, and secondly, God loved us first before we ever loved […]

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Why Most Christians Are Not Witnessing as Commanded

by Jack Wellman
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Why do the vast majority of Christians fail to witness to the lost as Jesus commanded? The Great Omission Why do the vast majority of Christians fail to witness to the lost as Jesus commanded? I start with asking myself, “Do I witness enough as some in the early church did like Peter, John and […]

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Why is the Harvest So Great But the Laborers So Few?

by Jack Wellman
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Jesus told His disciples to “pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest,” so why are so few entering into the harvest by sharing the gospel? A Labor Shortage Jesus told His disciples to “pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his […]

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Should Christians Worry About Offending People With the Gospel?

by Jack Wellman
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The gospel offends people, but some are saved, so should Christians worry about offending people by sharing the gospel? For or Against The gospel offends people, but some are saved by it, so should Christians worry about offending people by sharing the gospel? We had better get used to it. The gospel will offend far […]

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How to Overcome Your Fear in Sharing Christ

by Jack Wellman
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Many Christians find it a fearful thing to share Christ with the lost, so how can Christians overcome their fear in sharing the gospel? Fear of Man Many Christians find it a fearful thing to share Christ with the lost, so how can Christians overcome their fear in sharing the gospel? To begin with, we’re […]

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