John D. Rockefeller’s Discovery of the Blessing of Giving

by Jack Wellman
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If you have never heard of John D. Rockefeller, you must read about this man’s amazing story of faith in action that brought healing and peace to the world’s first billionaire. Amazing Testimony If you have never heard of John D. Rockefeller or read his biography, you must read about this man’s amazing story of […]

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Should Wealthy Christians Feel Guilty For Having Money?

by Jack Wellman
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Should Christians have any guilt for having money or being rich? The Deceitfulness of Riches Is it people having lots of money or does money have lots of people?  We can have possessions but the tricky part is that they can have us.  Do we own them or do they own us?  You see my […]

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What Does The Bible Say About Obtaining Wealth? A Christian Study

by Dr. Michael L. Williams
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No matter where you live, there’s a lot of division in the world today. One area of division that is a favorite amongst politicians is the divide between rich and poor. Some politicians make it their theme to demonize the wealthy. Likewise, they also make it a point to convince people that the reason they […]

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Does God Want Us To Be Rich? A Bible Study

by Jack Wellman
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Is it God’s desire for us to be rich? Is there anything wrong with pursing riches? What is God’s will for us and money? The Prosperity Gospel I could give you a long, long list of prosperity preachers who are name it and claim it preachers but that would make an exceedingly long article so […]

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