How Can God Allow Such Evil and Suffering in the World?

by Jack Wellman
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There is so much violence today; wars, disease, natural disasters, so why does God allow all this suffering in the world? Afflictions are Good There is so much violence today; wars, disease, natural disasters, so why does God allow all this suffering in the world? Contrary to what the world desires, and that is to […]

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Should Christians Play Hockey or Boxing or Other Violent Sports?

by Jack Wellman
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How can Christians learn to spot the difference between false prophets and pastors and those who are biblically centered? God’s Ways Jesus Christ has called us to peace, so can Christians play sports that are often physically violent? I heard the old joke that someone went to a boxing match the other day and a […]

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How Can Christians Overcome Fear and Anxiety in a Dangerous World?

by Jack Wellman
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How can Christians overcome the fear and anxiety of living in an increasingly dangerous world? No Condemnation How can Christians overcome the fear and anxiety of living in an increasingly dangerous world? Why not start with something from God’s Word and a promise that “God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power […]

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Is the Increase in Mass Shootings And Riots a Sign of the End Times?

by Jack Wellman
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M ass shootings are on the increase and violence is growing ever worse, so why the sudden increase in all the mass shootings? Thief in the Night Mass shootings are on the increase and violence is growing ever worse, so why the sudden increase in all the mass shootings? If you asked the average person […]

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Will Evil Be Called Good And Good Be Called Evil In The Last Days?

by Jack Wellman
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Are we living in the last days when evil will be called good but good will be called evil? Are These the Last Days? Are we living in the last days when evil will be called good and good will be called evil? The Apostle Paul told Timothy “that in the last days there will […]

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Is the Increase in Violence a Sign of the End Times?

by Jack Wellman
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Does the recent violence, rioting, and looting point to Jesus’ coming? Is the increase in worldwide violence a sign of the end times? The Days of Noah Does the recent violence, rioting, and looting point to Jesus’ coming? Is the increase in worldwide violence a sign of the end times? Jesus foretold of a time […]

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The Book Of Habakkuk Is Perfect For Today’s World

by Jack Wellman
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How can an Old Testament Book like the Book of Habakkuk still be completely relevant to the times we live in today? Find out why the Book of Habakkuk is a book for today. Habakkuk the Prophet There is little known about Habakkuk the Prophet except he came from Judah. His name means “to embrace” […]

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What Does The Bible Say About Racism, Prejudice and Violence?

by Jack Wellman
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In a nation ready to explode with riots, burning, looting, and killing, what does the Bible say about dealing with racism, prejudice, and violence? No Reason for Racism When it comes down to it, there’s really only one race…the human race. The Apostle Paul, speaking about the Creator, said that “he made from one man […]

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Will Violence Continue To Grow As Jesus’ Return Nears?

by Jack Wellman
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Will violence continue to escalate as the time of Jesus’ appearance draws near? As in the Days of Noah The recent law enforcement issues have created tensions between African-Americans and police. Even though actual reports of police brutality are in the small minority, it doesn’t take much for our society to take to the streets. […]

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What Does It Mean The Love Of Many Will Grow Cold?

by Jack Wellman
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Jesus prophesied that the love of many will grow cold in the end times. What does this mean and what does it look like? The End Times The Apostle Paul, in writing his very last letter, warned Timothy “that in the last days there will come times of difficulty. For people will be lovers of […]

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