How Tests, Trials and Tribulations Make us More Like Christ

by Jack Wellman
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How does God use trials, tests and tribulations in our life? God allows only that which is good for us. Being Like Jesus How does God use trials, tests and tribulations in our life? God allows only that which is good for us. A good example is a tree. A tree grows most rapidly during […]

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How to Resist Temptation and Not Sin

by Jack Wellman
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Being tempted is not sin, but it can lead to sin, so how can we stop temptation in its tracks so we won’t sin? The Hidden Word Being tempted is not sin in and of itself, but temptation can lead to sin, so how can we stop temptation in its tracks so we will not […]

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Could Jesus Have Sinned?

by Jack Wellman
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Was it possible that Jesus could have sinned during the Temptation in the Wilderness? All Have Sinned Not counting Jesus, there has never been a person who has not sinned. It is not humanly possible for us not to sin. We drink up sin like water. It’s just our nature. We haven’t just fallen short […]

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How to Face Trials: A Bible Study From James 1

by Robert Driskell
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The New Testament is clear about the fact that Christians will endure persecution and suffering (i.e. Romans 5:3, 8:17, 35; 2 Corinthians 1:5-7; Philippians 1:29; 2 Timothy 1:8, 2:3), tribulation (i.e. Matthew 24:9; John 16:33; Acts 14:22; Romans 12:12). Some of the believer’s hardships will result from living in a fallen world, some will come […]

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5 Ways To Avoid Sinful Habits or Thoughts

by David Peach
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The Bible tells us that it is important to guard our minds from sinful thoughts. From wrong thinking comes wrong actions. Proverbs 4:23 says, “Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life.” This verse says that to guard your heart it will take diligence. That means it is […]

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22 Bible Verses About Temptation

by Daryl Evans
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All of us have been tempted to do things we know are wrong and outside of the will of God. We face these temptations and when we fail, we often feel the guilt and shame from the sin that we committed.  Even people that are trying to do the right thing will fall into traps […]

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7 Tips to Avoid Temptation

by David Peach

God does not promise that we will never be tempted, but that when we are, He will provide a way of escape. However, there are things that we can do as a Christian to avoid unnecessary temptation. Many times temptation can be completely avoided by following these simple tips. Pray In the model prayer that […]

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