Faith.Tools: A Digital Hub for Christian Resources

by Jack Wellman
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Faith.Tools enables different apps to work together seamlessly. Imagine each app fulfilling its intended purpose while integrating with others, allowing churches and Christians to leverage them collectively for maximum impact. Faith.Tools: A Digital Hub for Christian Resources Faith.Tools enable different apps to work together seamlessly. Imagine each app fulfilling its intended purpose while integrating with […]

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A Guide to Modernizing Church Services With Technology

by Jack Wellman
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Churches are using technology like never before and so here is a guide to modernizing church services with technology. Technology Churches are using technology like never before and so here is a guide to modernizing church services with technology. First of all, our church streams our services over Facebook and posts them on YouTube, but […]

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10 Ways Churches Can Connect With

by Jack Wellman
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How can churches better connect to those around them? Here are 10 ways your church can connect to others with. Churches and Technology How can churches better connect to those around them? There are actually many ways your church can connect. Throughout history, the church has been known for taking advantage of the latest technology […]

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4 Technology Mistakes Your Church Might Be Making

by Jack Wellman
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Churches can reach more people today with the gospel using technology, but what 4 technology mistakes might your church be making. Sound Bites Churches can reach more people today with the gospel using technology, but what 4 technology mistakes might your church be making? One of those mistakes churches may make is not utilizing technology. […]

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Christianity in the Age of Digitalization

by Guest
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Christianity, despite its history of close to 2000 years, remains one of the most critical pieces of any culture, but today, Christianity is within the age of digitalization, so how churches use technology to advance the Kingdom? Age of Technology Christianity, despite its history of close to 2000 years, remains one of the most critical […]

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How Technologies Like Faith Brush Can Make Your Church More Visible

by Jack Wellman
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Churches are using technology more and more these days to reach the community and make the church more visible, like Faith Brush. Is this something your church should do? Technology and Faith Churches are using technology more and more these days to reach the community and make the church more visible, like Faith Brush. Is […]

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How Prayer Chain Text Messaging Can Unify the Church

by Jack Wellman
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Text messaging can be used to draw your church closer together, like with text messaging church members for prayer requests. Technology Text messaging can be used to draw your church closer together, like with text messaging church members for prayer requests. Technology is not evil in and of itself. It’s like money. It can be […]

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How to turn your sermon into clips

Share the truth