How to Teach Children to Memorize Bible Scriptures

by Jack Wellman
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There are several ways to teach children how to memorize Bible Scriptures so here are a few. In a Song There are several ways to teach children how to memorize Bible Scriptures so here are a few but how can we help children commit certain Bible verses to memory ? By the way, these same […]

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Why Every Adult and Child Needs Sunday School & VBS (Vacation Bible School)

by Jack Wellman
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If adults and children read their Bible every week and hear sermons on Sunday, why do they need to attend Sunday school? The Command to Teach The Bible is very clear to parents in the command of God that “You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit […]

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Why Faith is Essential in Raising Kids

by Guest
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Why is faith so essential for raising children? There are many reasons and here are a few. Faith and Children Why is faith so essential for raising children? There are many reasons and here are a few. Many parents today find themselves unsure of how to raise their kids especially in a world packed with […]

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Biblical Teachings: Christian Education in the Church

by Guest
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What does the Bible say about education in regards to our children but also adults? More than you think! Education What does the Bible say about education? Well, it does not specifically mention public education, but it does emphasize the spiritual and moral education or instruction of children and adults who believe in God. Christianity […]

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Is The Montessori Method biblical? Is Montessori Education Christian?

by Guest
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What is the Montessori Method? Is a Montessori education Christian? The Montessori Way For over a hundred years, the Montessori way of learning has been adopted by nations from all over the world, and it’s because of the unique ways they help children learn and understand different concepts, including biblical ones. The Montessori Methods is […]

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Teaching Children About Prayer: 8 Tips for Parents

by Crystal McDowell
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Are your children praying? Not just over their meals, but do they know how to get a prayer through to God? As a parent, you can’t be available to them 24/7, but God is everywhere all the time and can answer their prayers in His perfect timing. Just as you can decipher the urgency of […]

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How to turn your sermon into clips

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