Why Doesn’t God Stop Suffering in the World?

by Jack Wellman
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Why doesn’t God stop all the evil and suffering in the world? Why do even believers suffer unjustly? Good People, Bad Things I’ve heard people ask, “Why does God allow bad things to happen to good people?” Well, think about this? What did God the Father ordain for Jesus (Isaiah 53; John 3:16)? Why did […]

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10 Encouraging Bible Verses When You Need Them

by Guest
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Are you in good shape? Or, do you suffer from pain? If so, here are ten encouraging Bible verses that may be just what you need. Encouragement Are you in good shape? Or, do you suffer from pain? If so, here are ten encouraging Bible verses that may be just what you need. One author […]

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Making Disappointments God’s Appointments

by Jack Wellman
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When disappointments come, and they surely will, let God use disappointments as His appointments Anxiety The byproduct of anxiety is a lack of trust or faith, particularly in God. We let circumstances that we have no control over, control us, and that is not healthy. We take our eyes of God’s sovereignty and onto circumstances, […]

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How To Endure The Trials Of Life

by Jack Wellman
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How can we keep calm when we’re faced with huge trials in life? Get in the Word Everyone goes through trials in life. The only question is, “How do we respond to them?” The Bible is the best place to start when seeking godly wisdom about things like avoiding sin, loving others, and how to […]

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The Protective Purpose Of Pain

by Jack Wellman
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Why does God allow such pain in our lives? Can something good come out of that pain? No Pain, No Gain Have you heard of the adage, “no pain, no gain?” I know it’s true because I have experienced the pain of working out, or working at a laborious job. I was a janitor for […]

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Top 15 Christian Quotes About Pain and Suffering

by Pamela Rose Williams
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I have often heard people use the idiom “Life is just a bowl of cherries”. The saying can mean that life is great or it can mean just the opposite. ‘Tis true that life can be very pleasant most of the time but to be honest we must admit that sometimes life brings pain and […]

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Why Do Christians Suffer? Is This God’s Will?

by Derek Hill
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Tragedy is a monster that comes to everyone at some point or another.  When it strikes, the after effects can be devastating.  While going through difficult circumstances in life we are always put against the question, “why”.  Why would God allow death and disease?  Why would the Almighty allow men to steal or lure a […]

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Is Suffering Avoidable if I Have Enough Faith?

by Jack Wellman
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Can we avoid suffering just by having faith?  How much faith is needed to alleviate suffering?  If we are suffering does it mean we lack enough faith in God? What are the reasons for our suffering? Definition of Faith First, let us look at the world’s definition of faith and how it contrasts with the […]

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