What Does the Bible Say About Lying: A Christian Study

by Derek Hill
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All throughout the Bible, there are scriptures that discuss the topic of lying.  Some explain how certain people lied.  Others talk about the consequences of lying.  I would venture to say that lying can be one of the easiest of sins to commit.  One little sentence leaves the lips and all is well again.  We […]

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What Was Life Like In the Garden of Eden Before Sin?

by Robert Driskell
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Most of us are painfully aware of how much crime, violence, sin, and deprivation exists in our world today.  If you are ever in doubt about that fact, just take a look at the evening news.  The Christian sees this as the effect of sin in our world.  We know that this is a result […]

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Adam and Eve Bible Story Summary

by David Peach
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On the sixth day of creation God created all the land animals and humans. The story of Adam and Eve happens in Genesis chapter 2 and 3. Their creation is the focus of chapter 2 with their fall and punishment in chapter 3. Take some time to grab a Bible and read these two chapters […]

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Can A Christian Be Angry and Not Sin? Is it Biblical to Be Angry?

by Jack Wellman
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If a Christian gets angry, is this sin?   Do we have a right to be angry?  What does the Bible teach about being angry if you are a Christian? Righteous Indignation The Bible actually teaches that we can be angry but we are also told not to sin in doing so.  There are some things […]

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How Can I Overcome Addiction And Sin In My Life?

by Jack Wellman
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Every Christian that is not in heaven still struggles with sin.  Many struggle with addictions.  Addictions to marijuana, to alcohol, to pornography, to gambling, to overeating, to shopping, and so many other sins.  Is there any hope in breaking the chains of addictions?  Since many Christians struggle with the sins of addiction they begin to […]

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Is It Biblical To Go To War?

by Jack Wellman
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Didn’t Jesus say that we are to turn the other cheek if someone strikes us?  Isn’t it written that we are to love our neighbor as our self?  How can Christians justify going to war when we are told to love even our enemies? Is it biblical to go to war? Turn the Other Cheek […]

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