What Does It Mean To Lay Aside Every Weight And Sin?

by Jack Wellman
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What does the Bible verse that says we are to lay aside every weight and sin mean? What is this weight the author is talking about? The Cloud of Witnesses The author of Hebrews wrote, “Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and […]

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How Do I Know If Something Is Sin Or Not?

by Jack Wellman
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Do you have trouble in some “grey areas” things where some believe it is sin while others don’t? How can we know when something’s sin or not? Obvious Sin There are many things in the Bible that are clearly black and white, meaning, things like sexual immorality is sinful. There’s no question that adultery and […]

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Why You Cannot Hide Your Sin

by Pamela Rose Williams
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No matter who you are or what your position in life, you are a sinner. Thankfully, we can be a sinner saved by grace. The simple fact of the matter is that we sin because we are a sinners. Even when you try to hide it! I say, “try to hide it” because you cannot […]

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Why Do I Keep Sinning?

by Guest
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By Brian Goslee Many of us struggle from time to time to do the right thing. Read this encouraging article about discovering and doing what God wants you to do. Let me ask a few questions: Do you ever struggle to do what is right? Do you ever feel like you battle to stay on […]

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What is the Wrath of God and How Do We Avoid it?

by Dr. Michael L. Williams
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If you ask people what the word wrath means, most people will give an answer that is related to anger. Likewise, if you ask specifically about God’s wrath, most people will relate it to God’s judgment. What is the wrath of God and how do we avoid it? What does the word wrath mean? In […]

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What Is The Sin Of Gluttony?

by Jack Wellman
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Gluttony is a sin mentioned in the Bible, so what is gluttony? Does it relate only to food and drink? What is Gluttony? I don’t believe we have a good idea of what the word gluttony means as far as the world is concerned. We can envision a huge 300 pound man gorging himself on […]

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Good Bible Verses and Passages for Counseling About Sin

by Dr. Michael L. Williams
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If you ask most people today what is the definition of sin, you will receive a variety of answers including no answer at all. Unfortunately, most people today are Biblically illiterate so if they do have an answer, it is usually based on what they determine as right and wrong. This is very clearly seen […]

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Is Cheating On A Test or on School Work A Sin?

by Jack Wellman
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Is cheating on a test or on school work sin? Is it a small sin that God will overlook? Sin is… The Apostle John gives us an accurate definition of what sin is in 1 John 3:4 which says “Everyone who makes a practice of sinning also practices lawlessness; sin is lawlessness.” There it is; sin […]

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Three Sinful Views of Sin

by Dr. Michael L. Williams
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Someone does not have to be a sociologist to see that this world is becoming more and more dangerous. Reports of crimes, violence, and bad behavior flood the airwaves and Internet twenty-four hours a day. However, what used to be universally accepted as sinful behavior has now become the topic of heated discussions between those […]

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Is Masturbation A Sin? A Biblical Study

by Jack Wellman
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The Bible is silent on whether or not masturbation is sin.  What verses can we turn to in trying to determine if this is sin or not? Sexual Immorality Starts in the Mind James gives us insight into how sin starts. Sin begins with temptation as we read in 1:13-15 “Let no one say when […]

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