Bible Verses To Lead Someone To Christ

by Derek Hill
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When you gave your life to Christ, He gave you a new heart, a regenerate heart.  He turned your heart of stone into a heart of flesh.  He showed you how to stop living for yourself and start serving others.  There is no doubt that you have some people you love that are headed for […]

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What Are Christians Saved From?

by Robert Driskell
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We Christians are concerned, and rightly so, with the ‘salvation’ of the lost; Jesus instructed us to be about the business of telling people of their need to be ‘saved’. These terms, ‘salvation’ and ‘saved’, imply a rescue of some sort. What are people saved/rescued from? For too many, the answer to this question remains […]

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How to Have Confidence in Your Salvation

by Jack Wellman
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Have you ever doubted your own salvation?  Has doubt crept into your mind about your being saved or not?  Here is how you can have confidence in salvation. Saved From What? We are saved but saved from what?  We are actually saved from God! Yes, saved from God but more specifically, we are saved from […]

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5 Strong Prayers For The Lost

by Derek Hill
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Have you ever been really lost when driving through unfamiliar territory?  That feeling of anxiety that hits you in your gut is telling you that something is seriously wrong.  Your natural reaction is to get back on the right track ASAP.  This is how we all should feel about those we know that are spiritually […]

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God Seems Distant: How Can I Connect With God?

by Robert Driskell
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There may be times in our lives, both Christian and non-Christian, where we feel like God is a million miles away.  We may feel like there is no way we can reach Him.  Why do we feel this way?  What separates us from God?  How can we rectify this situation? Sin Separates Us From God […]

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24 Christian Salvation Quotes

by Pamela Rose Williams
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Getting someone to speak about salvation and especially their understanding of salvation is sometimes a very difficult task. Sometimes it is because they simply do not understand the meaning of the word. Other times it is because they think they need to know so much more about the Bible before they can share salvation with […]

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With Great Spiritual Knowledge Comes Great Responsibility

by Robert Driskell
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With great “Spiritual” knowledge comes great responsibility There are many people, especially in America, who possess knowledge about God, but have never applied that knowledge to their lives. Having grown up in a “Christian” nation, possibly in a “Christian” household, they think that simply knowing about God is the same as knowing God. However, this […]

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The Bread of Life: He’s My Savior

by Pamela Rose Williams
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I was 30 years old before I was introduced to the most important person in my life. Growing up I heard a lot about Him, but I never knew why He had to die on the cross. I did not know that it was such a personal thing. Since I met my Savior, I have […]

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The Significance of the Resurrection – Jesus Arose Where He Died

by Guest
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Easter is all about the resurrection, the rising again of Jesus on the third day after His Crucifixion. Redefining Death Death is an all encompassing word, powerful by definition, feared by most, yet totally incapacitated by the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. The Blood of Christ revives our spirit, restores our inheritance, and renews […]

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What is the Gospel Message? Finding The Truth

by Robert Driskell
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The word “Gospel” means ‘good news’. According to Vine’s, “…it denotes the “good tidings” of the kingdom of God and of salvation through Christ, to be received by faith, on the basis of His expiatory death, His burial, resurrection, and ascension…” (Vine’s, p. 275). When most of us think of ‘good news’ we do not […]

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