What Are Reasons Some Christians Doubt Their Salvation?

by Jack Wellman
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I know of several Christians who have doubts as to whether they’re saved or not. What’s going on with these believers? Feelings Versus Truth When I speak with people who feel they’ve lost their salvation, which is more than you might think, they place far too great of an emphasis on feelings. They say “I […]

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The Motherhood of Mary of Nazareth

by Pamela Rose Williams
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Mary of Nazareth, a simple Jewish girl, was selected by God to carry out a very special task. It was her mission in life to bring forth a child with the name of Jesus, the Savior of the world (Matthew 1:21; Luke 1:31). She was chosen to deliver the Deliverer. She was a special mother […]

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How Were People Saved Before Christ And The Cross?

by Jack Wellman
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Were there two plans of salvation in the Bible? How were people saved before Jesus died on the cross? A Gift from God No one can ever merit their own salvation. In fact, it is impossible to redeem our own selves by works, but Christians should already know this since the Apostle Paul wrote, “For […]

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What Does It Mean to Work Out Your Own Salvation?

by Dr. Michael L. Williams
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When considering God’s gift of salvation, He made it clear in Scripture that salvation is not something that you can earn or work to attain (Ephesians 2:8-9; Titus 3:5). Yet, many people will point to certain verses in the Bible and use them to suggest that works are part of salvation. One such verse is […]

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Ephesians 2:8-9 Commentary

by Dr. Michael L. Williams
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When you look at two very popular verses in the Bible through the lens of history, understanding their meaning has had great impact on modern Christianity. The verses, Ephesian 2:8-9, are a simple, but profound statement about the gift of God that He has given to humanity. However, there are some that suggest that what […]

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Why Doesn’t God Save Everyone?

by Jack Wellman
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Why does God choose to save some people but not others? Freewill or Human Responsibility? The Bible reveals that mankind is responsible for their sins and gives them the freewill to choose what to do, but a hyper-Calvinism would say that God elects some to destruction, but doesn’t that strip humans of their freewill? No, […]

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Did James Believe In Salvation Through Works?

by Jack Wellman
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Was James teaching about works contrary to the doctrine of being saved apart from works? Salvation by Grace through Faith The truth is most of the world’s religions require you to do things, in particular some amount of “good works” in order to be saved or be reincarnated as something higher and even to enter […]

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What is Lordship Salvation? A Christian Study

by Dr. Michael L. Williams
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Since the beginning of time, salvation has been about God providing a Savior to die for the sins of humanity. However, despite God’s simple plan of salvation, like Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, man insists on doing things his own way. One such way is the idea of Lordship salvation, which has […]

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The Christian Gospel Is The Ultimate Answer

by Robert Driskell
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Each one of us has a worldview that governs how we interpret our existence. In reality there are only two worldviews; a God-centered worldview or a God-less worldview. Therefore, it is not uncommon, for those who think deeply about life, to consider the claims of Christianity at some time or another. The Bible offers a […]

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How To Reach The Deaf For Christ

by David Peach
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As a missionary to the Deaf I am often asked what is different about sharing the Gospel with the Deaf compared to hearing people. I think the better question is, “How do you clearly present the Gospel?” The principles of sharing the Gospel with anyone should be based on the Bible, language, culture and education […]

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