Why Christians Should Not Fear Death

by Jack Wellman
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Christians look at death differently than the world does, so why should Christians never fear death? Goodbye Christians look at death differently than the world does, so why should Christians never fear death? Believers should not fear death because after death, we will be in the presence of the Lord, Jesus Christ! How bad is […]

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7 Powerful Bible Verses About the Resurrection

by Jack Wellman
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The Resurrection of Jesus Christ is essential to the gospel, and here are 7 powerful Bible verses showing the power of the resurrection. The Resurrection The Resurrection of Jesus Christ is essential to the gospel, and here are 7 powerful Bible verses showing the power of the resurrection. The resurrection is essential to the gospel […]

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What Jesus’ Resurrection Means For Christians

by Jack Wellman
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When the Lord Jesus Christ was raised from the dead, it had a significant impact on the Christian’s eternity, so here’s what Jesus’ resurrection means for believers. Of First Importance When the Lord Jesus Christ was raised from the dead, it had a significant impact on the Christian’s eternal destination (John 3:16), but before we […]

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5 Bible Facts About The Resurrection Of Jesus Christ

by Jack Wellman
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Here are five Bible verses that clearly defend the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Death Couldn’t Hold Him The wages of sin is death (Rom 6:23), but since Jesus never sinned, death could not keep Him, so it was because Jesus was sinless, the grave could not possibly hold Him.  The Word of God states that “God […]

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What Evidence Is There That Jesus Really Rose From The Dead?

by Jack Wellman
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Christians talk about Jesus being raised from the dead, but is there really any factual or historical evidence for it? The Gospel What is the gospel? After John was put in prison, Jesus came, saying, “The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand; repent and believe in the gospel” (Mark 1:15), […]

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The Significance of Jesus’ Last 7 Statements on the Cross

by Jack Wellman
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What were Jesus’ 7 last sayings while He hung on the cross? What is their significance? Jesus’ Last Words Of course, Jesus’ seven last statements on the cross were not His very last statements, but those on the cross held great significance. The number seven in Scripture always indicates completion, like in seven days the […]

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John 11 Commentary: Jesus Raises Lazarus From the Dead

by Jack Wellman
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In John 11, Jesus raises Lazarus from the dead and teaches us about patience and the resurrection of the dead on the last great day. Lazarus The name Lazarus comes from the Greek word “Lazaros” and means “whom God helps,” and God did help Lazarus, and no one was in greater need of help than […]

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Who Resurrected Jesus? Was It The Father, The Holy Spirit, Or Jesus Himself?

by Jack Wellman
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Who resurrected Jesus Christ? Did He resurrect Himself? Or did the Father or the Holy Spirit do it? Your Resurrection If you have never been brought to repentance and faith in Jesus Christ, then you will not be resurrected to eternal life in the kingdom of God, but you will be resurrected to eternal life…but […]

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Does God Have A Body? What Does God Look Like?

by Jack Wellman
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Does God have a body? If so, what is it like or is He spirit and invisible? Truth and Spirit When one of the disciples asked to see the Father, “Jesus said to him, “Have I been with you so long, and you still do not know me, Philip? Whoever has seen me has seen […]

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Can Our Lost Loved Ones See Us From Heaven?

by Jack Wellman
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Many have asked the question, can our loved ones in heaven see us? What do the Scriptures say? The Bosom of Abraham The Jews sometimes thought of heaven as Abraham’s bosom, a place of comfort in Sheol. It is sometimes referred to as Paradise, so the Jews did believe in the afterlife, although certain sects […]

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