What Is The Biblical Definition Of Pride?

by Jack Wellman
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Here is a biblical definition of pride in the hopes that we will humble ourselves before God. What is Pride? If you ask someone off the street what they thought pride was, you might be told that its conceit, self-esteem, egotism, vanity, and some say the rich are proud by flaunting their advantages, achievements, wealth, […]

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What Does The Bible Say About Arrogance?

by Pamela Rose Williams
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The concept of arrogance is not a new thing, just as Solomon wrote so many years ago “The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun” (Eccl. 1:9). We can find a definition […]

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How To Avoid The Sin Of Pride

by Jack Wellman
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Pride is a sin so how can we avoid the sin of pride according to the Scriptures? What is Pride? Pride was the cause of the fall of Satan from heaven because he became lifted up in his own opinion.  He became great in his own eyes.  He overvalued or overestimated his own worth and […]

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How To Remain Humble In A Fallen World

by Jack Wellman
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Pride is a problem even for Christians.  Knowing that God resists the proud, how can we remain humble and as a child before God in a world that thrives on self-esteem and pride? Pride, the Reason for Satan’s Fall How did Satan fall?   It was pride and his fall indirectly caused the fall of man.  […]

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James 4: Bible Study and Commentary

by David Peach
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James is a book that many of us know random verses from, yet we tend to not really know the book that well. Part of the reason for this is that James is like Proverbs in that many of its verses really stand alone in their content. Many subjects are handled quickly and succinctly in […]

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What Does The Bible Say About Pride? A Christian Study

by Derek Hill
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Pride is an infectious and dangerous attitude affecting so many people in this day and age.  Where does pride come from?  How does this kind of attitude affect you and your walk with God?  How does it affect others around you every day?  Let us search the scriptures together for knowledge, wisdom and truth that […]

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Bible Verses About Humility: 20 Scriptures on Being Humble

by Pamela Rose Williams
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Humility is something that is gained and practiced as we grow in wisdom and grace. Easton’s 1897 Bible Dictionary defines “humility” as: a prominent Christian grace. It is a state of mind well pleasing to God; it preserves the soul in tranquility and makes us patient under trials [1] Biblically speaking, humility is the opposite […]

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21 Helpful Quotes About Pride

by Guest

God has given us many stories and scriptures about pride in the Bible. As Christians we must be careful to keep our hearts focused on eternal life, and beware of how pride can direct us to the desires of the world. If we become able to control and see through the pride in our own […]

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