You’ve Been on the Mountain! Seeing Jesus in People

by Jack Wellman
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When Moses came down from the “mountain of God,” his face shined so brightly he had to wear a veil, and similarly, we can see Jesus in people’s faces! Reflecting Jesus When Moses came down from the “mountain of God,” the Scriptures say his face shined so brightly he had to wear a veil (Ex […]

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Why Were Moses And Elijah On The Mount Of Transfiguration?

by Jack Wellman
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Have you ever wondered why Moses and Elijah were with Jesus on the Mount of Transfiguration? Why wasn’t David, Abraham, or someone else? The Law and the Prophets If there was anyone in the Bible that we associate with the Law of God, it is Moses. Moses and the Law are mentioned frequently together in […]

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50 Key KJV Verses and Passages About Moses

by Pamela Rose Williams
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Moses, known most for his leadership, rescuing the Hebrews from the bondage of the Egyptians, is credited with writing the first five books of the Bible. These books, also known as the Pentateuch, include Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy. His life and history might be summed up into the following fifty key KJV Bible […]

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Was The Mosaic Law Copied From The Code Of Hammurabi?

by Jack Wellman
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Is it true as some say that Moses only copied his law from the Code of Hammurabi? King Hammurabi Who was King Hammurabi? Hammurabi was the sixth of 11 kings of the Babylon Dynasty, and around the beginning of the second millennium, a group of Amorites migrated into Mesopotamia and formed a social and political […]

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Why Did God Tell Moses He Would Kill Him?

by Jack Wellman
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The Bible seems to indicate God threatened to kill Moses, but why? Moses the Murderer When Israel began to grow so large in population that Pharaoh began to wonder if they would overthrow Egypt during a war, Pharaoh ordered that all male babies be killed (Ex 1:9-17). Most of the Egyptian midwives refused to obey […]

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What is the Mosaic Law: A Christian Study

by Dr. Michael L. Williams
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Many Christians live their lives with great emphasis on a heavy Jewish influence in how they live their lives as Christians. They may celebrate the Jewish Holy Days, dress in traditional Jewish garb, or even call their pastors Rabbi. However, one thing that many of these Christians also do along with others is incorporate the […]

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Who Was Moses’ Wife? Was Moses Married?

by Jack Wellman
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Who was Moses wife? Was he even married and was their some sort of controversy about his wife? Moses Moses was born at a time when Pharaoh was trying to have all the male babies killed. Somehow, Moses survived by keeping him hidden and then by God’s providence, his mother floated him down the Nile […]

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Who Was Jethro In The Bible?

by Jack Wellman
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Who was the Jethro that is mentioned in the Bible? Who is Jethro? We have our first introduction of Jethro right after Moses had fled Egypt for killing an Egyptian who was beating a Hebrew (Ex 2:11-12).  Moses escaped to Midian where “the priest of Midian had seven daughters, and they came and drew water […]

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Why Did God Keep Moses From Seeing The Promised Land?

by Jack Wellman
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Let’s take a look at what the Bible says about God preventing Moses from entering into the Promised Land. Moses’ Beginnings Moses may be the most prominent man of all for the Jews.  Even the laws were called the Mosaic Laws which had to do with the sacrificial system and the stringent priesthood requirements.  Moses […]

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5 Great Husbands From The Bible

by Jack Wellman
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Here are five great husbands and their attributes that we find listed in the Bible. Godly Husbands If a man happens to be a Christian and also happens to be married, then it is incumbent upon him to do what the Bible commands husbands to do, but like all husbands, we all fall infinitely short […]

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