The Greatest Danger for Christian Ministries

by Jack Wellman
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What is the biggest threat to a Christian ministry? Success! Giving God the Glory What is the biggest threat to a Christian ministry? Success, so believe it or not, the Christian’s greatest risk for failure or falling is not during a trial or tribulation, but when they’ve just achieved something great. When we become successful […]

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How God Gifts and Equips Every Single Believer

by Jack Wellman
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God has dispensed gifts of the Holy Spirit to every believer, but He also empowers us with His Spirit. Let’s see how these work together. The Gift of Knowledge God has dispensed gifts of the Holy Spirit to every believer for the benefit of the church, but He also empowers believers with His Spirit. Let’s […]

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How To Turn Your Past Failures Into A Current Ministry

by Jack Wellman
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Can God turn your failures into a current ministry? The Bible seems to show this to be true. Your Greatest Pain I truly believe that some ministries are birthed out of pain. Your greatest failures can often give rise to your greatest ministries. I know of a former prisoner who is now our associate pastor […]

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How to Choose a Christian Ministry to Support

by Jack Wellman
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Today we hear a lot of negative things about TV evangelists and radio ministries.  We tend to group them altogether and believe that they are just in it for the money.  Truly some are but many others are legitimate.  How can you know which are sound, theological ministries and which are not?  How can we […]

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