24 Bible Verses For Husbands To Know

by Daryl Evans
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There are so many Scripture passages that talk about not only husbands but both husbands and wives. There are many different elements and teachings about being a husband according to Scripture that men should be able to know and understand what God expects of us (men that are husbands). There are thoughts from both the […]

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Unequally Yoked? Meaning, Scriptures and Lesson

by Jack Wellman
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What does the Bible mean by saying we are not to be unequally yoked?  What do the Scriptures say this means and why are we commanded to not be unequally yoked. The Yoke What is a yoke?  A yoke is an implement that is used to harness animals together to pull a load or a […]

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Will There Be Marriage And Sex In Heaven?

by Jack Wellman
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Will there be sex in heaven?  What will the roles of men and women who have husbands and wives in heaven be?  Will they still be married? Like the Angels Jesus addressed this question when the Sadducees asked him about whether there will still be marriages in heaven and whether they will still be married.  […]

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The Role of the Wife in a Christian Marriage

by Pamela Rose Williams
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I have been a wife for more than half of my life. This is not to say that I have been a good wife and I will never be the perfect wife this side of heaven. I was married before I knew the Lord and as was said by Robert Driskell in his article entitled […]

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The Role of the Husband in a Christian Marriage

by Robert Driskell
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Being a follower of Jesus Christ changes a person.  It changes the believer’s priorities and focus, it changes the way in which the believer relates to others, it changes everything about how the believer lives.  Therefore, the believing husband should have distinct characteristics evident in his marriage, characteristics that come from his relationship with Jesus.  I certainly do […]

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Christian Advice Before Marriage

by Jack Wellman
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With the divorce rate soaring, what can engaged couples do to lower the risks for divorce?  What about living together first?  What about Christians marrying non-believers?  What about couples who are dating? Unequally Yoked The Bible is clear that a believer — a Christ-follower should not marry a non-believer.  In fact, they should not even […]

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How Can I Improve My Marriage: A Christian Study

by Jack Wellman
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Here are some ways that you can improve your marriage.  With marital problems increasing as never before, divorce is becoming too much of an easy out.  We’ve come up with some ways to improve your marriage in the hopes of strengthening it or saving it. Communication A lack of communication is fatal to the military.  […]

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Primary Causes for Divorce: A Christian Study

by Jack Wellman
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What are the primary causes for divorce that most couples overlook?  What can we do to alleviate these causes?  To know the cause is to know what to do and to hopefully reduce the chances of a divorce occurring.  Here are some of the primary causes for divorce. Top Reasons For Divorce Some of the […]

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Christian Advice for Newlyweds:10 Helpful Tips

by David Peach
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Congratulations on your recent wedding. It may have been last week or a few years ago, but if you consider yourself a newlywed and are looking for Christian advice, I hope this will be a help and encouragement to you. Even if you are not a newlywed, you may find help in these simple reminders. […]

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What Does The Bible Say About Adultery? Five Important Lessons

by Robert Driskell
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Infidelity.com reports that 57% of American men and 54% of American women admit to committing infidelity in any relationship they have been in.  The same site reports that 53% of American marriages end in divorce and that 74% of men and 68% of women says they would have an affair if they knew they would […]

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