5 Ways Separation Can Help to Save a Struggling Marriage

by Crystal McDowell
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Rather than make a rush judgment towards divorce, Christian couples may choose to separate for a period of time. In serious cases of verbal, physical, or emotional abuse where the victim is under severe stress—a separation gives time for healing. However before considering separation, both parties should seek out godly counsel from a pastor, respected […]

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7 Ways to Make Your Christian Marriage Better

by Daryl Evans
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The topic of marriage is a hot button in today’s society as many people, including political leaders, are discussing the basic question of what defines a marriage.  I believe that the Word of God (the Bible) is true and that God has created and even defined marriage to be between a man and a woman.  […]

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6 Prayers For Finding A Godly Spouse

by Derek Hill
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Being single can be hard, especially around Christmas and Valentine’s Day.  It can be lonely watching other men and women embracing one another, holding hands and flirting.  It is a natural feeling to want those kinds of things, and when we are single it can get lonely.  You can go to many different people and […]

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Is it Sin For Unmarried Christians To Live Together? A Pastor’s Counseling Session

by Jack Wellman
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What does the Bible say about living together?  Is the Bible silent on this?  What if the couple is not having sex? Here is an actual exchange of a counseling session I had with a young lady who believed that she was a Christian and asked for advice about whether it was sin or not […]

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How to Pray for Your Husband

by Pamela Rose Williams
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I believe that all Christians pray. Even if they do not have a personal time of prayer, they most likely pray in church or at small groups. The Bible encourages us to pray for one another (Ephesians 6:18; James 5:16). It tells us to pray not only for each other but also to pray for […]

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5 Famous Bible Couples

by Pamela Rose Williams
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The Bible is just full of the historical accounts of people and events. It begins in Genesis with the creation account and goes all the way through Revelation, which foretells the destruction, demise and redemption of mankind. There are many couples mentioned and re-mentioned throughout the Bible but for the purpose of this article I […]

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Praying For Your Children’s Future Spouses

by Crystal McDowell
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How do we pray for our children’s spouses in a culture where the covenant and definition of marriage is always ever changing? Christian parents should be alert and on their knees even before the birth of their children—interceding with much fervency and soberness. Generations of future children will be affected by the course of our […]

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10 Christian Marriage Rules for Handling Conflict

by Crystal McDowell
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If a husband loves his wife as Christ loves the church and a wife submits to her husband out of reverence to Christ…why do we need marriage rules for handling conflict? Perhaps because we still battle our sinful nature, the pull of the world, and temptations from Satan even in Christian marriages. We can love […]

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7 Steps to Forgiveness in a Christian Marriage

by Crystal McDowell
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Forgiveness can be difficult when a spouse forgets a special day, constantly makes the family run late for events, or neglects their basic responsibilities in the relationship. Many couples also struggle with forgiveness in adultery, addictions, or financial irresponsibility. It’s not easy to maintain a forgiving attitude especially in the light of broken promises. No […]

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Supreme Court Okays Same-Sex Marriage

by Jack Wellman
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What impact will the Supreme Court’s ruling for Same-Sex Marriage have in churches? What about individual Christians? Will this increase persecution? The Supreme Court‘s Ruling Changes Everything The U.S. Supreme Court has paved the way for same-sex marriages to exist in the states in which it is legal to do so. This means that it […]

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