Equally Yoked – Why Shared Faith Matters in Marriage

by Guest
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What does the Bible say about marriage, in particular, marriage between the saved and unsaved? Love and Faith What does the Bible say about marriage, in particular, marriage between the saved and unsaved? When dreaming about your ideal marriage, you probably think of a lifetime of love, partnership, and building a family. It certainly can […]

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Do Huge Age Differences Matter In Marriage Or Relationships?

by Jack Wellman
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Do huge age differences really matter in a marriage or relationship? Equally Yoked The Bible doesn’t focus much on age differences. Abraham was ten years older than Sarah was. Many of the Jewish men married girls five to ten years younger than they were, although that was part of their culture, but what about huge […]

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Why Color Doesn’t Matter In Marriage

by Jack Wellman
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Does it matter to God who you marry? Yes, it does matter to God who you marry, but it has nothing to do with the color of a person’s skin. Neither Jew nor Greek The Apostle Paul and the other authors of the Bible make it clear that a person’s national origin, their language, their […]

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What Did Jesus Teach About Marriage?

by Jack Wellman
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Jesus taught several things about marriage, so what was Jesus’ exact teaching on the institution of marriage, remarriage, and divorce? A Divine Institution Marriage is not an institution created by mankind. It is an institution designed and created by God, and for the glory of God. After the creation of the universe and all living […]

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How Can Christian Couples Preserve Their Marriage?

by Jack Wellman
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With divorces increasing, even among Christian couples, what can a couple do to preserve their marriage? Give and Take One man who I spoke with told me, “I must admit…I’m not a fan of going out to hear orchestras or watching musicals, and even ballet, but I do know my wife and daughter are, so, […]

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Great Examples of Singleness in the Bible

by Pamela Rose Williams
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Did you know that sometimes God calls us to be single? As a matter of fact the Bible has some great examples of folks that are single. Take a look at what I found. Biblical Characters Who Were Great Examples of Singleness Mary Magdalene faithfully followed the Lord after he freed her from the demons […]

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Is It Ever Okay To Withhold Secrets From Your Spouse? A Bible Study

by Jack Wellman
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Do you think its okay to keep secrets from your spouse? Here’s a Bible study on this question. All People are Liars The Bible is not very flattering to us as it says “God is not man, that he should lie, or a son of man, that he should change his mind. Has he said, […]

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5 Tips for When Your Marriage Feels Dead

by Jack Wellman
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Here are five tips for when your marriage feels like its dead or dying. Praying Together This is not an old cliché but a truth. A couple that prays together is more likely to stay together. Learning how to pray together and pray for one another creates a powerful bond that lets the other spouse […]

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7 Bad Habits That Will Lead To Divorce

by Jack Wellman
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Here are seven bad habits that might lead to divorce. 1. Flirting or Adultery One of the greatest problems of couples today is that the world is constantly pulling on their natural desires. At some places of employment, unless you look like a Barbie or Ken Doll, you’re probably not going to get the job. […]

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Does The Bible Command A Rape Victim To Marry Their Rapist?

by Jack Wellman
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Does the Bible actually command a rape victim to marry their rapist? Is this what the Bible teaches? The Commandments God gave us the Ten Commandments, not to take away from the pleasures of life, but to give us the very best of life. It’s not so much, “Don’t do this and don’t do that” […]

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