KJV Bible Verses About Fruit of the Spirit

by Pamela Rose Williams
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When someone talks about the fruit of the Spirit most believers know you can find a great list in Galatians 5:22-23. But where else can you find similar concepts that show evidence of that fruit in the King James Version of the Bible? Let’s take a look. Fruit of the Spirit “But the fruit of […]

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How Can You Love the Unlovely (Unlovable): A Christian Study

by Pamela Rose Williams
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Throughout the years I have been challenged on several occasions to “love” someone who was truly unlovely. Why love them, you may ask? Over and over again in God’s word He tells us and even sometimes admonishes us to love. True, there are times when we might choose to hate someone rather than love them, […]

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How Does The Bible Define Agape Love?

by Jack Wellman
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How does the Bible define “agape” love? What’s the difference between it and the other kinds of love? Eros Love There are four types of love that we know about but only 3 of the 4 are mentioned in the Bible, but they are all most definitely not the same kind of love. For example, […]

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20 Christian Quotes About Live, Laugh and Love

by Pamela Rose Williams
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Lately I have seen the “Live, Laugh and Love” type quotes everywhere. Have you seen them, something like: “Live well, Laugh often and Love much”? This is actually part of a great poem entitled Success that was penned by the late Bessie Anderson Stanley. This makes for some great inspirational wall art. Here are some […]

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KJV Bible Verses On How He Loves Us

by Pamela Rose Williams
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God loves us, every believer knows this. Even though it is a truth that we have come to count on, sometimes it is good to see it in His own words. Here are some of my favorite KJV Bible verses on how He loves us. 1 John 4:16 ” And we have known and believed […]

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Why Did God Say He Loved Jacob and Hated Esau?

by Jack Wellman
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Why does the Bible say God hated Esau but He loved Jacob?  Is that fair?  Why would God love one and not the other? Selling Esau’s Birthright The story of Jacob and Esau began to get interesting because Esau, as the firstborn, had actual privileges of the birthright but did he regard it very highly?  […]

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What Does The Bible Teach About Charity?

by Dr. Michael L. Williams
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If you ask most people what they think of when they think of the word charity, you would often get an answer that describes an organization that serves the public. Likewise, if you ask most people to name a charity, they usually do not have any problem doing so. However, it is rare that people […]

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20 King James Bible Verses About Love and Marriage

by Pamela Rose Williams
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Love and marriage, they do go together. However in our human flesh sometimes we walk through life in a marriage that becomes very comfortable — so comfortable that it is easy to forget the love part. Of course, the Bible has much to say about love and marriage. Take a look at these 20 King […]

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God Pursues Us: 6 Bible Based Ways God Is In Pursuit

by Pamela Rose Williams
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We often read about how “someone found God”; usually after a life event that caused them to evaluate things. But did you know that God pursues us? Because of His very nature – which is love – He seeks to have a relationship with us. He created us for His glory and even the many […]

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God Hates The Sin But Loves The Sinner: Is This In The Bible?

by Jack Wellman
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Have you heard the saying that God hates the sin but loves the sinner?  Can that be found in the Bible?  How can God love us while hating our sins? What is Sin? Sin is transgression of the Law of God (1 John 3:4) and sin is lawlessness or the breaking God’s Law’s (1 John […]

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