I Have Had Dreams or Visions Of Jesus? What Does It Mean?

by Jack Wellman
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Many people claim to have dreams or visions and want to know, are they from God and if so, what do they mean? What Do Dreams and Visions Mean? From my own experience, I have heard many who have had dreams and had visions of Jesus Christ, but what does this mean? Is Jesus trying […]

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How the World is Becoming Like the Days of Noah

by Jack Wellman
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You can tell how the world is becoming more evil every day and departing further and further from God, so what’s this mean to the Christian? Days of Noah You can tell how the world is becoming more evil every day and departing further and further from God, so what’s this mean to the Christian? […]

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Why Churches Are Departing From the Biblical Truth Once Delivered

by Jack Wellman
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Why are more and more churches departing from the faith once delivered and leaving the truth of God’s Word behind? Pragmatism Why are more and more churches caving into society and leaving the truth of God’s Word behind? Part of the reason is that they figure if it works most of the time for most […]

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Why America and Other Nations Have Had Such Bad Leadership

by Jack Wellman
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Why have congress and other political parties become so divided and why do we have such bad leadership in this nation? God’s Sovereignty Why have congress and other political parties become so divided and why do we have such bad leadership in this nation? It has happened in biblical history and it has happened in […]

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Why Are Biblically Solid Churches Disappearing in the World?

by Jack Wellman
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Biblically solid churches are disappearing quickly, so what’s happening? Falling Away Biblically solid churches are disappearing quickly, so what’s happening? The Apostle Paul warned that “the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions” (2 Tim 4:3). This […]

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How Close Are We to Jesus Christ’s Second Coming? What Does the Bible Say?

by Jack Wellman
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Just how close are we to Jesus Christ’s second coming? What does the Bible say? The Day of His Return  Just how close are we to Jesus Christ’s second coming? What does the Bible say? To be sure, today we’re one day closer to His return than yesterday, but just how close are we to […]

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Is the Falling Away From the Faith Happening Today?

by Jack Wellman
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Is the great falling away happening in the church today, and if so, what does it look like? Falling Away Is the great falling away happening in the church today, and if so, what does it look like? What are churches and Christians “falling away” from? They are falling away from the truth of the […]

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What End-Time Churches Will Look Like

by Jack Wellman
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We have been living in the end times for some time now, but what do end-time churches look like and teach? End Times We have been living in the end times for some time now, but what do end-time churches look like and teach? The Apostle Paul, in his last letter…a sort of, last will […]

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What is the Mark of the Beast? Can Christians Be Marked?

by Jack Wellman
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What is the mark of the beast? What does Scripture say about it? End Times What is the mark of the beast? What does Scripture say about it? We can read about the Antichrist in Revelation 13 in the two beasts, one that comes from the sea and the other from the earth. These two […]

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Biblical Evidence That the Age of the Apostles and Prophets Has Ended or Ceased

by Jack Wellman
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Many claim to be prophets and apostles of God today, but what does Scripture say about the end of the age of the prophets and apostles? God Has Spoken Many claim to be prophets and apostles of God today, but what does Scripture say about the end of the age of the prophets and apostles? […]

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