What Is The Outer Darkness Jesus Spoke About?

by Jack Wellman
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Jesus spoke about the “outer darkness,” so what is the outer darkness? Is that hell or only a temporary state? Living in Darkness Do you remember the movie called, The Matrix? It was a world where humans only believed that they were living in the real world, when in reality, their bodies were being used […]

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What Does Judgment Starts At The House Of God Mean?

by Jack Wellman
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What does Peter mean by saying that judgment starts in the house of God? Judgment of All The Bible says that all of us will be judged by God but the critical difference in this judgment is whether God’s brought a person to repentance and faith or if they’ve rejected Jesus Christ; either way, both […]

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How Does The Bible Define The Term Wrath?

by Dr. Michael L. Williams
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A word that is often seen in the Bible is the word wrath. Despite this, it is not a word that is commonly used by English speaking peoples today. In fact, the use of the word wrath over the last 25 years has not been any lower since just after the Pilgrims landed in America […]

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Bible History: What Happened To Nations That Turned From God?

by Robert Driskell
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God is very clear in His Word that He deals with people, individually or as groups (cities, nations, etc.) according to how they honor, or refuse to honor, Him. The biblical record tells us that God pronounced judgment on quite a few cities and nations. We are taught about God’s judgment in the first book of […]

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