Can A Christian Be Angry and Not Sin? Is it Biblical to Be Angry?

by Jack Wellman
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If a Christian gets angry, is this sin?   Do we have a right to be angry?  What does the Bible teach about being angry if you are a Christian? Righteous Indignation The Bible actually teaches that we can be angry but we are also told not to sin in doing so.  There are some things […]

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The Hard Sayings of Jesus

by Jack Wellman
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Jesus said many things that people could not understand.  Even His own disciples had difficulty in understanding Him.  Many times those who were following Him followed Him no more because of the things He said were too hard to understand.  Why did Jesus use such language that was hard to accept? Hard Sayings of Jesus […]

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Who or What is the Holy Spirit? A Bible Study

by Jack Wellman
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Who is the Holy Spirit or what is the Holy Spirit?  Is it a force, an energy, a power, or is He a person?  We can find out by reading the Bible. Third Member of the Trinity God the Holy Spirit is a Person.  He is not a power, an effect, or just energy.  God […]

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Bible Verses About Salvation: God’s Plan For Us

by Pamela Rose Williams
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Of all the Bible verse posts that are gathered here on WCWTK, this is the one that I urge you to read most carefully. It is the one that talks about the most important opportunity you will ever have in this lifetime. It is the one that lists Bible verses about salvation. These are Bible […]

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What Does the Bible Say About Judgment?

by Pamela Rose Williams
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It is a popular subject among Christians – judgment. Not only is it popular but it is a subject that the Bible addresses often. There are many judgments in the Bible and depending upon whom you talk to, that number may change. However most will agree that judgment after life on this planet will be […]

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My Five Favorite Bible Stories

by David Peach
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We all grow up with a list of favorite Bible stories. It is hard to decide on just a few, but it is fun to write them down and see what your favorite Bible stories are. Maybe this would be better titled “Five of My Favorite Bible Stories” though the list could include many others. […]

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Be Alert: No One Knows the Day or Hour

by Jack Wellman
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Jesus told His disciples to be alert and ready for no man knows neither the day nor the hour of His return.  This was the theme of the epistles of Paul, John, and Peter.  Over the millennium, countless numbers have predicted times of Christ’s return and they are all batting a big, fat zero.  We […]

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Teaching Kids About Easter: 5 Great Ways

by David Peach
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Easter is a wonderful Christian holiday where we celebrate the risen Jesus Christ. Each year we should look forward to this day because it is a reminder of our promised future resurrection. However you choose to celebrate this holiday, here are five ways for teaching kids about Easter and the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Attend […]

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Good Friday Bible Verses: 20 Quotes To Learn

by Pamela Rose Williams
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Good Friday is perhaps the most solemn day that Christians observe. It is a time when we reflect upon all that Jesus did for us when He willingly gave His life on the cross at Calvary. It is good to review some verses from the Bible that tell us about the crucifixion.  Reflecting on Good […]

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21 Inspirational Christian Christmas Quotes

by Pamela Rose Williams

More than two thousand years ago a little baby was born in a manger; an event that changed the world. This boy-child, Jesus, is the promised Messiah who stepped down from Heaven to be born as a babe, live a sinless life and willingly give His life as the Perfect Lamb of God to pay […]

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