The Immaculate Conception and the Bible

by Jack Wellman
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Most of us have heard about the Immaculate Conception, but do we really know why it’s called that? Immaculate When we use the word “immaculate” we often use it to refer to something that is perfect or spotless, or without stain, so the word is used for something that has no blemish and no imperfections. […]

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Why The Gospel Includes Jesus’ Life, Death And Resurrection

by Jack Wellman
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Does the gospel depend on Jesus’ sinless life, His atoning death, the resurrection, or all three? The Spotless Lamb of God When the old sacrificial system contained in the Mosaic Law was still in effect, they had to repeat the sacrifices over and over again because ancient Israel, like all of us, sin over and […]

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How Were People Saved Before Christ And The Cross?

by Jack Wellman
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Were there two plans of salvation in the Bible? How were people saved before Jesus died on the cross? A Gift from God No one can ever merit their own salvation. In fact, it is impossible to redeem our own selves by works, but Christians should already know this since the Apostle Paul wrote, “For […]

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Key Differences Between The Christian And Muslim Heaven

by Jack Wellman
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Here are the vast differences that there are between the Christian and the Muslim in regards to what heaven will be like. The God in Heaven One of the greatest differences between what Christian’s know about heaven and the Islamic Paradise, is the God Who will be worshipped. God is radically different for the Christian […]

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Pirates’ Sean Rodriguez Relies on God as his Solid Foundation

by Bruce Darnall
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The personal relationship Sean Rodriguez, utility infielder for the Pittsburgh Pirates, has with his Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, is his foundation for living his daily life. As Scripture speaks of building a house on sand or rock (Matthew 7:24-27) when the storms of life come, the house built on the rock withstands those storms. […]

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Who is the Messiah: A Bible Summary

by Dr. Michael L. Williams
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It is no secret that many people today are Biblically illiterate. Therefore, it is no surprise that many of the terms that are commonly used in Biblical teaching are no longer used as they were originally intended. The word messiah is a perfect example. In today’s common language, the use of the term messiah has […]

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7 Children’s Songs About Jesus

by Jack Wellman
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Here are seven great children’s songs about Jesus. 1. Jesus Loves Me The lyrics are soundly biblical because Jesus loved the little children and when the disciples once tried to prevent them from coming to Him, He rebuke them and said, “Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to […]

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7 Wonderful Bible Verses That Describe Jesus

by Jack Wellman
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Here are seven Bible verses that describe the wonderful Savior, Jesus Christ. John 1:14 “And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth.” If there is one book in the Bible that gives us a lot of […]

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More Names for Jesus Found in the Bible

by Dr. Michael L. Williams

One of my favorite posters is one that is filled with the names of Jesus. From a short distance, it presents Jesus in all of His majesty by the listing of numerous names for Him found in the Bible. In fact, we attended a church while we lived in Florida that had the names of […]

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What Are Some Other Names for Jesus in the Bible?

by Dr. Michael L. Williams
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As Christians we do not question the fact that Jesus existed. Likewise, there are many historical references outside of the Bible that mention Jesus and His followers. However, many Non-Christians also believe He existed, but their belief is based on popular belief, not the Bible. Unfortunately, popular beliefs do not fully express Who and what […]

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