Choose You This Day – Salvation or Condemnation?

by Pamela Rose Williams
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We are all born condemned to an eternity separated from God. Did I get your attention? Simply stated, the Bible says that we are all lost because of our sin. But the good news is that we can make a choice to change our path from condemnation to salvation. And you know what? It is […]

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Why Did God Change People’s Names In The Bible?

by Jack Wellman
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There are several occasions when God changed a person’s name, but why does He do that? Abram to Abraham God called Abram (before his name was changed to Abraham) out of paganism. We don’t know why God called Abram and not others. It simply says “the LORD said to Abram, “Go from your country and […]

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Jesus, The Shepherd King

by Guest
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Jesus is more than the Good Shepherd; He is, in fact, the Shepherd King. The Shepherd King The Hebrew letter Aleph was used to symbolize one of the names of God, and in this case, it was El. Before the letter was called Aleph, it was actually called El or Al, so it was literally […]

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What Does It Mean To Be The Messiah? – Part 1

by Guest
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What does it mean to be the Messiah? What can we learn from Scripture? The Messiah First of all it is helpful to know that the word Messiah and the word Christ mean the same thing. Both the Hebrew: Mashiach (translated as Messiah in English) and the Greek: Christos (translated as Christ in English) both […]

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Reflections on the Cross and Resurrection

by Pamela Rose Williams
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As Christians we often consider the cross and its significance to the salvation of the world. I think that during the spring and Easter time the cross and what it represents becomes even more prominent in our thoughts. It is at this time that I reflect upon the cross and I am humbled by the […]

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Could Jesus Have Sinned?

by Jack Wellman
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Jesus was tempted by Satan in the Wilderness, so was it possible that Jesus could have sinned? The Fall When the Apostle John wrote 1 John 3, he actually referred back to the Garden, and the fall of mankind. We read in Genesis 3 that Eve “saw that the tree was good for food, and […]

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Isaiah’s Picture of Jesus

by Pamela Rose Williams
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The Bible has many prophecies and many Prophets. These prophecies are written by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit by Prophets that have been called the Major and Minor Prophets, due to the amount of information that is documented in the Bible by the Prophet. One of the Major Prophets is Isaiah and within the […]

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How Human Was Jesus?

by Jack Wellman
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Jesus is the Son of God and very human and yet very God, so how human was Jesus? Jesus, Son of God Jesus was called the Son of God frequently in the New Testament, but does this mean that Jesus only became a Son after His physical birth? No, that’s not what the Bible teaches. […]

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Paul’s Portrayal of Jesus in the Epistles

by Pamela Rose Williams
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Paul was called to take the gospel of Jesus Christ to the Gentiles after his conversion on the road to Damascus (Acts 9). Before this he was a hater and killer of Christians. In Acts 22:20–21 he wrote “And when the blood of thy martyr Stephen was shed, I also was standing by, and consenting […]

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Why Don’t The Jews Believe In Jesus?

by Jack Wellman
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Why can’t the Jews see that Jesus is clearly the Messiah they have been waiting for? Blinded by Satan The reason all people cannot believe in Jesus, including the Jews, is that until people are quickened by God’s Spirit, they are dead in their sins. In fact, the Apostle Paul says, “even if our gospel […]

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