Is Jesus the Only Way? A Biblical Analysis

by Jack Wellman

Are there any other ways to obtain salvation?  Are there any other paths to heaven?  Is Jesus the only way to heaven? Are There Any Other Ways To Obtain Salvation?  To make sure, let’s take a look at the other world’s religions and their leaders. Buddhism:  This religion is based upon Siddhartha Gautama who is […]

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Christmas Bible Verses: 20 Great Quotes

by Pamela Rose Williams

Christmas is a word that you will not find in the Bible. However, you will find the birth of Jesus and all that it represents in the Bible. Two New Testament books mention the conception of Jesus, but only one New Testament book gives details of that first Christmas. Matthew, chapter 1, lists the genealogy […]

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Powerful Christian Video- Jesus In Every Book of The Bible

by Josh Wiley

There is something about Christian videos that speak to me in a powerful way.  I heard this video as it was played at my church recently and it spoke to me. The descriptions of who Jesus is throughout the Bible is amazing and inspiring.  I pray this speaks to you also. Share this video with […]

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Who Is Jesus?

by Jack Wellman

It depends on who you ask when you ask them who Jesus was.  Most everyone in the world has heard about Jesus Christ but depending on their beliefs or culture, they have differing views of just Who Jesus was and is. What Buddhists Believe About Jesus Buddhists believe that He was very influential but that […]

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Bible Verses About Relationships: 20 Good Scriptures

by Pamela Rose Williams

Husbands and wives; brothers and sisters; dads, moms and children; cousins; best friends and even business associates: these are all types of relationships. I have a dear friend that once told me that relationships are most important and the more you cultivate relationships the better they become. She said just like a garden it takes […]

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Freedom From Worry: Keeping Your Eyes on Jesus

by Jack Wellman

The Storm on the Sea of Galilee What is the most frequent topic Jesus spoke about during His ministry?  What was the number one thing that He addressed more than anything?  Was it heaven, was it hell, maybe it was sin?  No, the number one thing Jesus spoke about to his disciples and to us […]

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Christian Discipleship: 7 Great Tips

by Daryl Evans

Shortly before Jesus left this earth to return to heaven he had some final words to give to His disciples.  Matthew 28:18-20 is often called the Great Commission passage and it says, “Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make […]

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20 Inspirational Bible Verses About Grace

by Pamela Rose Williams
Thumbnail image for 20 Inspirational Bible Verses About Grace

Grace means to get something that you do not deserve; unmerited favor.  Mercy means you do not get a punishment that you deserve; compassion, forbearance. God is abundant in grace and mercy and we can read about it in the Bible. His greatest act of grace is the gift of salvation that is available for […]

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What Historical Evidence is there to Support the Existence of Jesus Christ?

by Jack Wellman

  Is there actual historical evidence to prove the existence of Jesus Christ?  Did ancient historians believe in the actual person of Jesus Christ?  Can historical evidence about Jesus Christ’s existence be believed? Is There Actual Historical Evidence to Prove the Existence of Jesus Christ?  Even though the Bible is a collection of historical facts […]

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10 Interesting Bible Facts About Jesus

by David Peach

  There are so many amazing and interesting facts in the Bible. Check out this list of ten interesting facts about Jesus. The Name Jesus Jesus is the English transliteration of the Greek name Iesus. Joshua is the English transliteration of the Hebrew name Yeshuah. Both Jesus and Joshua mean Yahweh saves or Jehovah is […]

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