You’ve Been on the Mountain! Seeing Jesus in People

by Jack Wellman
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When Moses came down from the “mountain of God,” his face shined so brightly he had to wear a veil, and similarly, we can see Jesus in people’s faces! Reflecting Jesus When Moses came down from the “mountain of God,” the Scriptures say his face shined so brightly he had to wear a veil (Ex […]

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8 Ways To Keep Christ In Christmas

by Derek Hill
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I love, love, love A Charlie Brown Christmas! Do you remember that song with the lyrics: “Christmas time is here.  We’ll be drawing near.  Oh, that we could always see such spirit through the year”? (Christmas Time Is Here, A Charlie Brown Christmas).  This was a great cartoon for its time because it did recognize […]

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God’s Amazing Conversions Through Dreams and Visions – Part One

by Jack Wellman
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God can use many ways to reach the lost, including dreams and visions. Here are a few real examples. The Last Days God can use many ways to reach the lost, including dreams and visions. Here are a few real examples in part one of this series of articles on how God’s reaching people through […]

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How Does One Become a Christian?

by Guest
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H ow does one become a Christian? What is their part of the process and what is God’s part? Becoming a Christian How does one become a Christian? What is their part of the process and what is God’s part? Contrary to what many believe, we cannot become a Christian…at least on our own. We […]

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Why Is Jesus and the Bible Called the Word of God?

by Jack Wellman
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Jesus is declared to be the Word of God (John 1:1-2) but so is the Bible, so why is Jesus also called the Word of God? The Word of God To explain the distinction between the “Word of God” as it is used in relation to the Bible and to call Jesus the Word of […]

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How the Trinity Works Together in Our Salvation

by Jack Wellman
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The Trinity is one of the most difficult things to wrap your mind around, so how do all Three Persons of the God-Head work together in our salvation? The Trinity Defined The Trinity is one of the most difficult things to wrap your mind around, so how do all Three Persons of the God-Head work […]

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What Makes Jesus So Different From Other Religious Leaders?

by Jack Wellman
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What makes Jesus so different from all the other religious leaders in history? Where you spend eternity depends on you knowing the difference. His Resurrection Is there really any evidence for Jesus Christ’s resurrection? Paul says the gospel is “of first importance what I also received: that Christ died for our sins in accordance with […]

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What Does It Mean “The Last Shall Be First And The First Shall Be Last?”

by Jack Wellman
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What does Jesus mean by saying, “The last shall be first and the first shall be last ?” Children of Promise During Jesus’ earthly ministry, the children of promise, or the children of Abraham, already considered themselves part of the coming kingdom. The Jews thought it was by Abraham that they would be saved, being […]

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What Were The Last 7 Sayings Of Jesus On The Cross?

by Jack Wellman
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What were Jesus’ 7 last sayings while He hung on the cross? What is their significance? Matthew 27:46 When Jesus hung on the cross, and the darkness overtook the land, it was “about the ninth hour Jesus cried out with a loud voice, saying, “Eli, Eli, lema sabachthani?” that is, “My God, my God, why […]

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Lies and Delusions – What Not to Trust for Salvation

by Pamela Rose Williams
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Salvation is found in Jesus Christ alone. Though there are so, so many other things that people tell you that you can to do to gain eternal life. Here are just a few that I have found as I looked into what are considered lies and delusions and what NOT to trust for salvation. You […]

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