Why You Must Be Like Children Before You Can Enter the Kingdom

by Jack Wellman
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Jesus welcomed little children into His arms and unless we be like children, we cannot enter the kingdom of God. Tattered and Shattered Jesus welcomed little children into His arms and unless we be like children, we cannot enter the kingdom of God (Matt 18:3). That’s what Jesus said, but we’ll cover what that means […]

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Why Pain is a Gift From God

by Jack Wellman
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Why would someone believe that pain is a gift from God? In fact, there are several reasons that pain can help us. Dependent upon God Why would someone believe that pain is a gift from God? In fact, there are several reasons that pain can help us. When you’re in pain, and especially when there’s […]

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What is Meekness? A Biblical Definition

by Jack Wellman
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What is the definition of meekness? What’s the difference between the world’s view and God’s view of meekness? Worldly Meekness What is the definition of meekness? What’s the difference between the world’s view and God’s view of meekness? The world defines the state of being meek as having a quiet, gentle nature, easy to get […]

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What the Bible Says About Church Leadership and Humility

by Jack Wellman
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What does the Bible teach about church leadership and humility? Moses’ Example What does the Bible teach about church leadership and humility? Moses was said to be the meekest man on the face of the earth (Num 12:3-5), but he would have been the last one to say that publically. If someone says, “I am […]

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How to Be Holy, Humble and Hungry Believers

by Jack Wellman
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Today, Christians can be a little too prideful about their faith, so here’s how to be holy, stay humble, and be hungry for more of God and His Word. Becoming Holy Today, Christians can be a little too prideful about their faith, so here’s why God desires we become holy, stay humble, and be hungry […]

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How Pride Hinders The Christian Life

by Jack Wellman
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Pride comes just before the fall, but how does pride hinder the Christian’s life and why is it such a big sin? Pride Pride comes just before the fall, but how does pride hinder the Christian’s life and why is it such a big sin? Pride is a huge problem for the unsaved, but even […]

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4 Examples Of Humility In The Bible

by Jack Wellman
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Here are four great examples of humility in the Bible. Christ’s Example There is no greater example of humility in the entire Bible than you find in Jesus Christ. The Apostle Paul writes of Christ in Philippians that we should “Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than […]

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Minnesota Twins Brian Dozier Has a Lesson in Humility

by Bruce Darnall
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A turning point, as described by Minnesota Twins starting second baseman Brian Dozier, came when he recognized he was shortchanging his baseball teammates at the University of Southern Mississippi. Brian was having a good season on the playing field his senior year at Southern Mississippi. At 30 games into the season he shattered his collarbone […]

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6 Tips To Restoring A Broken Relationship With A Parent

by Jack Wellman
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Here are 6 tips that I hope can help you restore a broken relationship with a parent. Keep the Commandment Exodus 20:12 says “Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long in the land that the Lord your God is giving you.” Here is the first commandment with a promise and it is […]

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How To Remain Humble In A Fallen World

by Jack Wellman
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Pride is a problem even for Christians.  Knowing that God resists the proud, how can we remain humble and as a child before God in a world that thrives on self-esteem and pride? Pride, the Reason for Satan’s Fall How did Satan fall?   It was pride and his fall indirectly caused the fall of man.  […]

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