How Does God Create A New Creation In Christ?

by Jack Wellman
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How is God able to make us into new creations in Jesus Christ (2 Cor 5:17)? Here are ways He does that. The Old Man I heard one preacher say he is sick and tired of sin, and can’t wait to be saved to sin no more. He meant on the day of Christ’s return […]

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How to Dwell on the Heavenly and Not the Worldly Things

by Guest
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It’s so easy to focus on things here on earth but this takes our eyes off the heavenly prize and Christ Jesus. Priorities The problem with this world and humanity as a whole has always been that people only seek bonuses, only what they like, trying to build their lives on all kinds of favorable […]

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How God is Making You Into His Masterpiece

by Jack Wellman

Many believers hold a small view of themselves, but God is shaping, forming, and molding you into a masterpiece like no one else on earth. Maturing in the Faith Many believers hold a small view of themselves, but God is shaping, forming, and molding you into a masterpiece like no one else on earth. I […]

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How to Discover Your Gifts of the Holy Spirit

by Jack Wellman
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How can you discover your spiritual gifts from the Holy Spirit? Here’s how. Take a Test Drive One of the greatest indicators that someone may have a certain spiritual gift is that they find pleasure in using it in serving others. They might not even be aware they have the gift of mercy or service, […]

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What Is A Godly Woman According To The Bible?

by Jack Wellman
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Many people are married to “godly women,” but what exactly is a godly woman according to Scripture? Being Godly No one can be godly until they’ve received the Holy Spirit and been regenerated. There is no way the flesh can produce fruits of the Spirit. They only produce fleshly fruits, but even after conversion, any […]

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What is Being Drunk In The Spirit?

by Jack Wellman
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What is being “drunk in the Spirit?” Is it biblical?                                         Filled with the Spirit First of all, you cannot be filled with the Spirit until you’ve first trusted in Christ. Only then do you receive […]

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Who Or What Is The Inner Man?

by Jack Wellman
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Who or what is the “inner man” Paul wrote about? The Present State We are born into sin. The psalmist wrote in Psalm 51:5, “Behold, I was brought forth in iniquity, and in sin did my mother conceive me.” Want more biblical evidence that we are all fallen creatures by nature? The Apostle Paul wrote […]

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Amazing Titles of the Holy Spirit – KJV Bible Verses

by Pamela Rose Williams
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One of my favorite things to do is to look in the Bible for things that have many names. Once such thing – Person, is the Holy Spirit. There are some amazing titles of the Holy Spirit. Here are some KJV Bible verses on this topic. John 14:16 And I will pray the Father, and […]

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What Is The Role Of The Holy Spirit?

by Jack Wellman
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What role does the Holy Spirit lead in the life of the believer? The Quickening Spirit Before we were saved, we were the walking dead; dead in our sins. We needed the Spirit’s quickening. The Apostle Paul wrote that I was dead and “you were dead in the trespasses and sins in which you once […]

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Book Review Of The Spirit of God Illustrated Bible

by Jack Wellman
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Here’s a look at the new children’s Bible called The Spirit of God Illustrated Bible by Doris Wynbeek Rikkers. In the Beginning The book, The Spirit of God Illustrated Bible, is a great resource for a young child. and even a brand-new Christian. It covers the basics of the redemptive plan of God from the […]

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