Planning For Eternity: 5 Things To Do Today!

by Crystal McDowell
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“Well done, thou good and faithful servant…” Isn’t that what we want to hear from God? He gives us the precious gift of life with all its joys and sorrows tempered with people we love and those who cause us to struggle. No matter who we are or what we do as believers—we will one […]

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How to Have Confidence in Your Salvation

by Jack Wellman
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Have you ever doubted your own salvation?  Has doubt crept into your mind about your being saved or not?  Here is how you can have confidence in salvation. Saved From What? We are saved but saved from what?  We are actually saved from God! Yes, saved from God but more specifically, we are saved from […]

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Will There Be Marriage And Sex In Heaven?

by Jack Wellman
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Will there be sex in heaven?  What will the roles of men and women who have husbands and wives in heaven be?  Will they still be married? Like the Angels Jesus addressed this question when the Sadducees asked him about whether there will still be marriages in heaven and whether they will still be married.  […]

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What is the Role of Angels in Heaven?

by Jack Wellman
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What is the role of angels in heaven?  What is the role of angels on earth?  What is their job description? The Word Angel’s Meaning The Greek word for angels is “aggelos” and in English is “engel.“   Either way, the name angel means “messenger of God.”  That is one of the chief duties on angels.  […]

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If God is Love, What is Satan?

by Jack Wellman
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God is love, no doubt.  Since God is love, what is Satan?  What does the Bible say that Satan is at the very core? God is Love There is little doubt that one of the greatest attributes of God is that He is love.  The book of 1 John is replete with God being described […]

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Will We Recognize Friends and Family in Heaven?

by Jack Wellman
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When believers finally reach heaven, will we know our family members?  Will we remember our friends?  What about those with whom we shared the gospel with?  What does the Bible say about who we will know once we get to heaven? Will We Remember Others in Hell? One of Jesus’ most powerful stories is that […]

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Where is Heaven? Where is Hell? What Does the Bible Say?

by Jack Wellman
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Is heaven an actual place?  Is there a literal location for hell?  Can we know for certain where heaven and hell really are from the Bible?  I believe we can. Where is Heaven? My first thought is that heaven is any place where God is and hell is anyplace where God is absent.  People loosely […]

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What is a Spiritual Body According to the Bible?

by Robert Driskell
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One of the questions most frequently asked by Christians is, “What happens after I die?”  Christians know that they will be with God in heaven; their faith in Jesus Christ guarantees it.  However, in what form will we exist?  Will we simply be see-through spirits floating in the air?  Will we all look the same?  […]

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10 Awesome Songs About Heaven

by Pamela Rose Williams
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Ok, pull out your “Great Hymns of Faith” and your CD/DVDs of the new songs too. I am looking for some songs about Heaven. Good thing we have some great songs out there that sing about the future home of the believing saints. Here are just 10 awesome songs about Heaven; I hope you enjoy […]

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Bible Verses About Hell: 21 Eye Opening Scriptures

by Pamela Rose Williams
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Is Hell a real place? If Hell is real, how can a loving God send people there? Is there escape from Hell even for people who have committed unconscionable crimes? These are all questions that can be answered in the Bible. Hell is not only described as a literal place, but the concept of Hell […]

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