What Will We Look Like In Heaven?

by Jack Wellman
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Have you ever wondered what we will look like in heaven? Here’s a hint from Scripture. Israel’s Future The nation of Israel, at the time of Jesus’ earthly arrival, was in eager expectation of the Messiah. They didn’t expect a Messiah to be killed and raised again after three days. They thought the Messiah would […]

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What Will Christians Be Doing In Heaven?

by Jack Wellman
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Have you ever thought about what you will be doing in heaven? The Bible tells us some of the things believers will do in heaven. New Heavens and Earth The Bible teaches that there will be a new heaven and a new earth since someday the elements will all burn with fire as “by the […]

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What Happens Right After You Die?

by Jack Wellman
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What happens the next moment after you die? It depends upon whether you are a believer or an unbeliever, and the differences are great. An Appointment with Death Every one of us has an appointment we must keep, even after birth, we’re on our way to death, but the problem is, we don’t always know […]

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What Will People Wear in Heaven?

by Dr. Michael L. Williams
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One of the things that believers often do is muse about what we will look like when we are in heaven. Many times, I have heard someone say something to the effect that they hope they look like they did at an earlier time in their life. While these conversations are often comical, it does […]

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Will Believers Have A Physical Or Spirit Body In Heaven?

by Jack Wellman
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When we enter the kingdom, will we have a spirit body or a physical body, or perhaps, both? A Mortal Body When the Corinthian church had difficulty grasping the resurrection, the Apostle Paul asked them, “How are the dead raised? And with what kind of body do they come” (1st Cor 15:35), so concerning “the […]

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Is Paradise And Heaven The Same Thing When Used In The Bible?

by Jack Wellman
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Is Paradise and Heaven the same thing or are they the same place? The Promised Land When ancient Israel was on a journey to enter into the Promised Land, they didn’t believe God and were afraid to cross over, so God allowed that generation to pass away before the next generation would go in. The […]

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Key Differences Between The Christian And Muslim Heaven

by Jack Wellman
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Here are the vast differences that there are between the Christian and the Muslim in regards to what heaven will be like. The God in Heaven One of the greatest differences between what Christian’s know about heaven and the Islamic Paradise, is the God Who will be worshipped. God is radically different for the Christian […]

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What Age Will Everyone Be In Heaven?

by Jack Wellman
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What will our age be in heaven? Babies in Heaven? What about babies that die before the age of accountability, whatever that age is? What of special needs children or adults who are not able to understand the gospel of Jesus Christ?  What if a child or an adult is not able to comprehend what […]

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17 Awesome KJV (King James Verse) Bible Verses About Heaven

by Pamela Rose Williams
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Heaven! The Bible describes it as a literal place. We see it described as a house (John 14:2), a city (Heb 11:10) and a country (Heb 11:16) and even a kingdom and Paradise (Luke 23:42-43). It is that place that we think on that gives us blessed hope (Titus 2:13-14). It is a place that […]

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Why Can’t I Get To Heaven Through Good Works?

by Jack Wellman
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Many people believe that they’re a very good person and that will bring them to heaven but this is actually false and we can be thankful that it is. Our good Works Good works have their place in the life of the Christian.  Salvation is not one of them.  James did say “What good is […]

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