You’re Here by Nichole Nordeman

by Guest
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By Nichole Nordeman David asks in Psalm 139 “Where can I go from your Spirit? Where can I flee from your presence?” David goes on to list the places he’s tried and failed to distance himself from God (the wings of the morning, the farthest limits of the sea) and yet cannot escape or outrun the […]

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10 Character Traits of Jesus To Emulate

by Guest
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Christians and non-Christians alike usually can agree that Jesus is the best role model to have. From His faith, perseverance, generosity, and even His intelligence, people see the best qualities that mankind can possess. The Bible teaches everyone to become more like Jesus each and every day, so it’s helpful to learn about some of […]

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What Does the Bible Say About Grief?

by Dr. Michael L. Williams
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Grief is one of the most personal, agonizing, life-altering emotions that each of us will experience during our lifetime. Grief can have many causes, such as the loss of a job or the break-up of a relationship, but the most common cause is the death of a loved one. Grief profoundly affects different people in […]

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