What Do I Say to People When I Share the Gospel?

by Jack Wellman
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Many people are at a loss for words when sharing the gospel, so what can you say to introduce the subject of faith in Christ? The Great Omission It is difficult to introduce the subject of the Gospel and Jesus Christ for the majority of people and that’s the reason why so few Christians evangelize […]

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Why is the Harvest So Great But the Laborers So Few?

by Jack Wellman
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Jesus told His disciples to “pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest,” so why are so few entering into the harvest by sharing the gospel? A Labor Shortage Jesus told His disciples to “pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his […]

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Catalysts of Truth: Being a Catalyst for Christ

by Jack Wellman
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What is a catalyst of truth? How can you be a catalyst for truth and the cause of Christ? Read on. The Spirit What is a catalyst of truth? How can you be a catalyst for truth and the cause of Christ? Speaking scientifically, a catalyst is “a substance that speeds up a chemical reaction, […]

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Can Christians Deny Christ Before Others?

by Jack Wellman
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Jesus warned us that if we deny Him then He will deny us before the Father, so can believers actually deny Jesus Christ? Fear of Man Jesus warned us that if we deny Him before others then He will deny us before the Father, so can believers actually deny Jesus Christ? If we’re ashamed of […]

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Are You a Disciple of Christ? Here’s How to Know

by Jack Wellman
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Are you a disciple of Jesus Christ? How can you be sure? Here’s how you can know you are truly Jesus’ disciple? What is a Disciple? Are you a disciple of Jesus Christ? How can you be sure? Here’s how you can know you are truly Jesus’ disciple? A disciple is someone called to live […]

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How to Make Disciples and Disciple or Teach New Believers

by Jack Wellman
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The Great Commission, given as an imperative command by the Lord Jesus Christ, is to make disciples and disciple new believers, so how can we do that? What’s that look like? Disciples Forsake All (mostly) The Great Commission, given as an imperative command by the Lord Jesus Christ, is to make disciples and disciple new […]

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What Does Isaiah 6:8 Mean, “Here Am I, Send Me?”

by Jack Wellman
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When the Lord asks who shall go for them, Isaiah quickly answers, “Here am I. Send me,” so what does this message mean to us today? Who Shall Go? When Isaiah “heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send, and who will go for us” (Isaiah 6:8a), it seems to imply that […]

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How Does Jesus Build His Church?

by Jack Wellman
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Jesus said I will build My church, so how is Jesus still building His church today? First Century Church The Day of Pentecost was when we are introduced to the church (Acts 2:1-6) and we see what the early church was focused on in Acts 2:46-47 which says that they were “continuing daily with one […]

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How Technologies Like Faith Brush Can Make Your Church More Visible

by Jack Wellman
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Churches are using technology more and more these days to reach the community and make the church more visible, like Faith Brush. Is this something your church should do? Technology and Faith Churches are using technology more and more these days to reach the community and make the church more visible, like Faith Brush. Is […]

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Taking Risks for the Will of God

by Jack Wellman
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Church history is full of examples where men and women of God, knowing the will of God, risked their lives for the cause of God, so why are so few Christians willing to take risks for Christ today? The Silent Majority Church history is full of examples where men and women of God, knowing the […]

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