How to Stop Gossip in the Church

by Jack Wellman
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God hates gossip because it hurts relationships, families, separates friends and can even destroy a church. Gossip Gossip does more to destroy a church than just about anything else that I can think of. What five ways can you use to help stop gossip in its track in your church, so what is gossip to […]

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What Does it Mean There is the Power of Life and Death in the Tongue?

by Jack Wellman
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Why does the Bible say that the power of life and death are in the tongue? There are very good reasons for that! Power of the Tongue Why does the Bible say that the power of life and death are in the tongue? There are very good reasons for that! Solomon wrote, “Death and life […]

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How All People Will Be Held Accountable for Every Idle Word

by Jack Wellman
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Jesus said that every one of us will be held accountable for every idle word we speak, so what does He mean by that? Words Matter   Jesus said that every one of us will be held accountable for every idle word we speak, so what does He mean by that? I have often wished […]

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How Can I Stop Gossiping? Answers From the Bible

by Jack Wellman
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It’s so easy for us to gossip and listen to gossip, but since we know it’s very destructive, how can we stop the gossip? What is Gossip? It’s so easy for us to gossip and listen to gossip, but since we know it’s very destructive, how can we stop the gossip? Gossip has been defined […]

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How Can I Stop Lying? Answers From the Bible

by Jack Wellman
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One of the worst sins we commit is lying and some really struggle with this, so how can Christians learn to stop lying? All Men Are Liars One of the worst sins we commit is lying and some really struggle with this, so how can Christians learn to stop lying? The good news is there […]

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How To Stop The Gossip In Your Church

by Jack Wellman
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Gossip cannot only ruin relationships, it can wreck a church, so here’s a simple solution on how to stop the gossip in your church. Persecuting Christ One of the greatest dangers in churches today is a hidden danger, and that danger is gossip. For example, something as simple as a prayer request might end up […]

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A Bible Study on Gossip: Tips to Stop it

by Jack Wellman
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Gossip is one of the most destructive of all human sins.  What does God think about it?  What biblical principles can we apply to stop gossip in its tracks? A Definition of Gossip Let’s first take a look at a secular definition from the dictionary about what gossip is.  The definition of gossip includes:  Rumor or […]

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Bible Verses About Gossip: 15 Helpful Quotes

by Pamela Rose Williams
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One of the things that can destroy any church or ministry is gossip. Other terms in the Bible for gossip include:  backbiter, busybody, slanderer, secrets, talebearer and whisperers.  So then, a Biblical definition of gossip would be to spread rumors or secrets, speak about someone maliciously behind their back or repeat something about someone else […]

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