Why Sharing the Gospel is Like Preaching to the Dead

by Jack Wellman
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Some see the preaching of the gospel to the lost is like preaching to the dead, but there is power in God’s Word to bring them eternal life. The Walking Dead Some see the preaching of the gospel to the lost is like preaching to the dead, but there is power in God’s Word to […]

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10 Great Examples of When God Spoke and Speaks

by Pamela Rose Williams
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When you read the Bible you are sure to come across many, many great conversations. There are Bible characters, too many to count, that speak often and there are those that almost never speak. But how about when God speaks? We can see some examples of Him speaking in the Bible, but did you know […]

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How Do We Know the Bible is True? Is it Really the Word of God?

by Jack Wellman
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Many critics of Christianity attack the Bible’s truthfulness.  Many don’t believe it because they say it was written by man.  Is the Bible really God speaking to man?  Is the Bible of human origin or a direct revelation from God? The Bible The word Bible is from the root word “biblios” which is plural, and […]

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