7 Important Bible Verses About Purpose

by Crystal McDowell
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Sometimes we can be so busy about our lives that we forget the purpose behind them. We are driven by the demands of life and not realizing that God always has a greater purpose. His purposes not only encompass our lives, but the lives of those around us—at home, school, work, and community. It’s important […]

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With Great Spiritual Knowledge Comes Great Responsibility

by Robert Driskell
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With great “Spiritual” knowledge comes great responsibility There are many people, especially in America, who possess knowledge about God, but have never applied that knowledge to their lives. Having grown up in a “Christian” nation, possibly in a “Christian” household, they think that simply knowing about God is the same as knowing God. However, this […]

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James 4: Bible Study and Commentary

by David Peach
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James is a book that many of us know random verses from, yet we tend to not really know the book that well. Part of the reason for this is that James is like Proverbs in that many of its verses really stand alone in their content. Many subjects are handled quickly and succinctly in […]

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Why Do Christians Suffer? Is This God’s Will?

by Derek Hill
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Tragedy is a monster that comes to everyone at some point or another.  When it strikes, the after effects can be devastating.  While going through difficult circumstances in life we are always put against the question, “why”.  Why would God allow death and disease?  Why would the Almighty allow men to steal or lure a […]

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