Prayer Is To Align Us With God’s Will

by Guest
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Spirit-led prayers carry the purpose, power, and faith that Christ promises His Church.. God’s Faith and Power Flow Through Praying His Will John 14:12 – “Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever believes in me will also do the works that I do; and greater works than these will he do, because I am going […]

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4 Things God Wants Us to Pray For

by Jack Wellman
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Knowing what to pray for is no mystery as God’s Word tells us, and here are 4 things we know God wants us to be praying for. Pray About Everything Knowing what to pray for is no mystery because God’s Word tells us how and what to pray for and here are 4 things we […]

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What Does God Want From You the Most?

by Jack Wellman
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What is it that God desires most from us? What is it that God wants most from us? Abstain From Sexual Immorality What is it that God desires most from us? What is it that God wants most from us? God isn’t just concerned with sin in our lives but sexual immorality appears to be […]

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5 Bible Verses About God’s Timing

by Jack Wellman
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Ithink most people are not as patient as they should be, and that includes me, but here are 5 Bible verses that will help us understand God’s timing. Waiting on God’s Timing has its Rewards – Psalm 27:14 I think most people are not as patient as they should be, and that includes me, but […]

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How to Find and Know the Will of God

by Jack Wellman
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People struggle to find out God’s will for their lives, but God’s will for our lives is easy to find in Scripture. God’s Will and Ours – Matthew 6 People struggle to find out God’s will for their lives, but God’s will for our lives is easy to find in Scripture. For example, when we […]

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What Do You Do When God Says “No”?

by Jack Wellman
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It’s easy to rejoice before God when He answers our prayers, but what do you do when God says “No” to what you’ve prayed for? When God is Silent It’s easy to rejoice before God when He answers our prayers, but what do we do when God says “No” to what we’ve prayed for? My […]

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How To Make Godly Decisions

by Jack Wellman
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Making a godly choice is not always easy, especially if you need to make the decision on the spot! Trust If you have a big decision to make, maybe it’s time to stop and think about God. God is sovereign over everything that happens…even our failures. Not a fly will moves unless God first approves, […]

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God Opens and Closes Doors: What Does That Mean?

by Dr. Michael L. Williams
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Many times people will tell me that they do not know what God’s will is for their life. After discussing this with them I find that what they really are asking is what is God’s plan for their life. As far as what is God’s will for our life, that is easy. But, what takes […]

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What Does it Mean to be Chosen by God?

by Dr. Michael L. Williams
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The phrase “chosen by God” is used in a variety of ways. Some people use it in the concept of saying that God chose them to do some sort of special thing. Unfortunately, my experience is that people who usually proclaim this, often when you first meet them, do so is a bragging sense and […]

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Do You Know Your Role in the Kingdom of God?

by Dr. Michael L. Williams
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Many people say to me that they do not know what God’s plan is for their life. This being considered, in order to know our role there are several things that we must consider when trying to discern this. What most people do not consider is that everyone, believers and nonbelievers, are part of God’s […]

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