Only Christ Can Reveal Your Kingdom Identity

by Guest
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Here’s how only Christ can reveal your kingdom identity. God’s Workmanship Here’s how only Christ can reveal your kingdom identity. God designed us as unique and incredible masterpieces. Only as we see our identity through His eyes and walk in His Spirit, will we thrive. Every other approach results in great loss. Eph 2:10 calls […]

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What Was God’s Purpose For Calling You?

by Jack Wellman
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Have you ever asked yourself why God called you? What’s your purpose for being created by God? God Calls the Least If you came upon the story of Gideon, who was hiding in a winepress trying to thresh out some barley so that the starving Israelites could eat something, he would be the last person […]

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How To Have Joy In Your Christian Life

by Jack Wellman
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How can you have joy in your life, even when the bad times come? Happiness of the World Joy is never found in things or in the people of this world, but in a Person, and that is Jesus Christ. When we trust in Christ, we can finally rest in the sovereignty of God, and […]

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What Is Your Purpose? Why Were You Born?

by Jack Wellman
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Why did God create you? What is your purpose in life? The Bible clearly tells us. The Creation If you’ve ever looked deep into the stars on a moonless night and away from the city, you must agree with the psalmist who wrote, “The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims […]

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Why Doesn’t God Heal Everyone?

by Jack Wellman
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Why does God choose to heal some people and not others? His Ways When Job began to question God because of his suffering (Job 38-39), God humbled him by His answer (Job 40). The Apostle Paul, although not in the same context as suffering, wrote “Has the potter no right over the clay, to make […]

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7 Important Bible Verses About Purpose

by Crystal McDowell
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Sometimes we can be so busy about our lives that we forget the purpose behind them. We are driven by the demands of life and not realizing that God always has a greater purpose. His purposes not only encompass our lives, but the lives of those around us—at home, school, work, and community. It’s important […]

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