Cosmological Argument for the Existence of God

by Robert Driskell
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For most Christians, the Bible is the authoritative Word of God — period.  We need no convincing, other than the Holy Spirit’s witness within our souls, to confirm the truthfulness and authority of the Bible.  However, non-believers do not view the Bible as God’s Holy Word, nor do they believe that it is authoritative.  So, […]

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What Does The Bible Say About Faith? A Christian Study

by Derek Hill
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Faith is a “means to a beginning”.  When a believer chooses for the first time to believe and have faith in Jesus as their savior, they are starting a brand new way of life.  Faith is a choice that Christians make in believing that Christ was crucified and rose again, and that He is the […]

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How To Glorify God at Work: 7 Helpful Tips

by Derek Hill
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The workplace is one of the key places that God has placed Christians in the mission field.  Yes, we are all missionaries and ambassadors for Christ.  I understand that you may have never considered your job as a mission field, but It really is.  There are so many lost people out there and God has […]

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If God is Love, What is Satan?

by Jack Wellman
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God is love, no doubt.  Since God is love, what is Satan?  What does the Bible say that Satan is at the very core? God is Love There is little doubt that one of the greatest attributes of God is that He is love.  The book of 1 John is replete with God being described […]

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What Does the Bible Say About Forgiveness? A Biblical Study

by Derek Hill
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Forgiveness is one of the “key” words of the Christian faith.  If God had not included forgiveness in His plan for humanity, none of us would enjoy life renewed with Him in heaven.  Without forgiveness there would be no hope at all. God And Forgiveness So, let us start with Daniel 9:9. To the Lord […]

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Who or What is the Holy Spirit? A Bible Study

by Jack Wellman
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Who is the Holy Spirit or what is the Holy Spirit?  Is it a force, an energy, a power, or is He a person?  We can find out by reading the Bible. Third Member of the Trinity God the Holy Spirit is a Person.  He is not a power, an effect, or just energy.  God […]

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How Does God Define Family

by David Peach
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God has chosen the framework of the family to help us understand authority and His plan in our life. The structure of the family is vital to so many other laws, principles and teachings in the Bible. If it is so important, it is also important to understand what God’s plan for the family is […]

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22 Christian Quotes & Sayings About God

by Pamela Rose Williams
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Here in the United States of America it takes an act of Congress to keep the motto that has been on US coins since the Civil War. That motto is “In God we trust”.[1] And unlike some other countries, it is good to know that we are still free to speak about God and worship […]

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21 Amazing Bible Verses About God

by Pamela Rose Williams
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How do you choose only 21 Bible verses about God when the entire Bible is the literal word of God? True, it is not an easy task, however I want to share these great verses that remind us how blessed His name is in all the earth. Everyone has a name. In the Bible God names […]

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21 Inspirational A.W. Tozer Quotes

by Josh Wiley
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Aiden Wilson (often called A.W.) Tozer has some great thought provoking quotes about faith, God and life. A.W. Tozer was a teenager when he heard a street preacher say “If you don’t know how to be saved… just call on God.” He went home and went into the attic and called out to God. Five […]

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