How Can God Allow Such Evil and Suffering in the World?

by Jack Wellman
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There is so much violence today; wars, disease, natural disasters, so why does God allow all this suffering in the world? Afflictions are Good There is so much violence today; wars, disease, natural disasters, so why does God allow all this suffering in the world? Contrary to what the world desires, and that is to […]

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Why Does the World No Longer Fear God?

by Jack Wellman
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The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom, so why is the fear of God disappearing around the world? Good Fear The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom, so why is the fear of God disappearing around the world? It may seem strange to say that fear can be a good thing, […]

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Cycles of Creativity and How They Relate to God

by Guest
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There are cycles of creativity that each of us pass through in our lives but here’s how they relate to God. Light and Darkness It is certain to me that energy levels run in cycles and they absolutely affect the outcome of creativity in all facets of life. That is purely my own opinion but, […]

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Is God Different In The Old Testament Than In The New?

by Jack Wellman
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Did God change from the Old Testament to the New? Was God more violent and harsh in the Old Testament than in the New? Old Testament Sometimes, people have difficulty reading the Old Testament because there is so much violence. They might read how God commanded Israel to completely annihilate the pagan nations that were […]

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Does God Have A Body? What Does God Look Like?

by Jack Wellman
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Does God have a body? If so, what is it like or is He spirit and invisible? Truth and Spirit When one of the disciples asked to see the Father, “Jesus said to him, “Have I been with you so long, and you still do not know me, Philip? Whoever has seen me has seen […]

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Was Jesus The God Of The Old Testament?

by Jack Wellman
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Was Jesus the God Who was present in the Old Testament? Or, was it the Father or the Holy Spirit? The Angel of the Lord An angel simply means “messenger of God,” and frequently in the Old Testament, God sent His holy angels to do His bidding, but a few times it was God Who […]

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How Does God Use Society To Restrain Evil?

by Jack Wellman
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Does God help to restrain evil in our society? If so, by what means does He do it? Growing Violence and Evil In 2nd Thessalonians chapter 2, the Apostle Paul writes about someone who is taken out of the way. Could this refer to a time when God withdraws His Spirit from the world, although […]

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What Does God Look Like?

by Jack Wellman
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Have you ever wondered what God looks like? Is He like the pictures or images you see? Graven Images God brought ancient Israel out of a land full of idols and graven images, only to see them fall back into it again, and God commands that we have no other gods before us, which are […]

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Key Differences Between The Christian And Muslim Heaven

by Jack Wellman
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Here are the vast differences that there are between the Christian and the Muslim in regards to what heaven will be like. The God in Heaven One of the greatest differences between what Christian’s know about heaven and the Islamic Paradise, is the God Who will be worshipped. God is radically different for the Christian […]

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Was The American (US) Constitution Really Based on Biblical Principles?

by Jack Wellman
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Did the framers of the Constitution of the United States really base the Constitution upon the Bible and biblical principles? Our Christian Heritage Anti-Christian historical revisionists like to re-write history to make it seem like our nation was not founded on biblical principles but that is not what the historical records actually say nor is […]

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