How To Forgive Yourself: A Christian Commentary

by Jack Wellman
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God promises to forgive us but we often have trouble forgiving ourselves.  How can we learn to forgive ourselves when we are consumed with guilt? Forgiveness There are so many Bible verses on forgiveness that it is hard to select only a few but here are some of the most powerful ones that I could […]

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How Many Times Will God Forgive Me? A Bible Study

by Crystal McDowell
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If there was a certain number of times God would forgive us…what would it be? One thousand? Many of us would reach that limit before the end of the week. What about 1.1 million times…would that last a lifetime? Peter asked Jesus a similar question about the number of times we should forgive others. He […]

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7 Steps to Forgiveness in a Christian Marriage

by Crystal McDowell
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Forgiveness can be difficult when a spouse forgets a special day, constantly makes the family run late for events, or neglects their basic responsibilities in the relationship. Many couples also struggle with forgiveness in adultery, addictions, or financial irresponsibility. It’s not easy to maintain a forgiving attitude especially in the light of broken promises. No […]

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Why Would God Forgive Me? Answers for Those That Feel Unforgivable

by Robert Driskell
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There are many people, both Christian and non-Christian who think that they are unforgivable. They think that they have done something, or some things, so bad that God cannot, or will not, forgive them. This belief leaves many in a state of despair; they feel guilty and desperately seek forgiveness, but they just do not […]

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What Does the Bible Say About Forgiveness? A Biblical Study

by Derek Hill
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Forgiveness is one of the “key” words of the Christian faith.  If God had not included forgiveness in His plan for humanity, none of us would enjoy life renewed with Him in heaven.  Without forgiveness there would be no hope at all. God And Forgiveness So, let us start with Daniel 9:9. To the Lord […]

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Songs About Forgiveness: Top 10

by Pamela Rose Williams
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Sometimes it takes a song to make us really listen to the message. If you consult a dictionary you might find the following definition for forgiveness: for·give  (fr-gv, fôr-) v. for·gave (-gv), for·giv·en (-gvn), for·giv·ing, for·gives 1. To excuse for a fault or an offense; pardon. 2. To renounce anger or resentment against. 3. […]

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22 Great Max Lucado Quotes

by Josh Wiley
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Max Lucado has a true gift for words. Some of my favorite modern Christian quotes have come from Max Lucado. His quotes are so thought provoking and yet simple. He uses words that paint a picture and make a point. If you haven’t read a book by Max Lucado yet, I would encourage you to […]

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Bible Verses About Forgiveness: 20 Encouraging Scripture Quotes

by Pamela Rose Williams
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Forgiveness is a huge subject and certainly one in which the Bible is not silent. In the Bible we can read about our amazing and loving Heavenly Father who forgives us of all trespasses. God calls sinners to seek Him and promises them forgiveness. It is because of His great mercy and grace that God […]

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