How To Forgive Others And Forgive Yourself

by Jack Wellman
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It’s easier to forgive than to forget, so what does the Bible say about our being forgiven and forgiving others? The World’s Definition Forgive is from the Old English and means to “give, grant, allow or cancel a debt; to pardon an offense,” but also ”to give up the desire or power to punish; to […]

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Forgiveness And It’s Emphasis In Bible

by Guest
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Forgiveness is a main theme of Scripture, so read how forgiveness is an emphasis in the Bible. Concepts of Forgiveness Does the Bible say anything about forgiveness? Yes, it does. Forgiveness is the fundamental principle of the entire Bible. Christians still have many questions about forgiveness. Forgiving is not easy for most of us. According […]

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What If Someone Doesn’t Forgive Me?

by Jack Wellman
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God commands us to forgive others as we have been forgiven, but what about those who refuse to forgive us? Forgiveness I believe it’s more important for us to forgive others than for them to forgive us. That’s because we cannot change people, we can only control how we react to other people, but we […]

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The Intimate Relationship With Abba Father

by Guest
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God the Father desires an intimate relationship with every one of us; so close that we can call Him daddy (Abba)! Aleph Beth – Father Aleph is the Hebrew letter for A while Beth is the Hebrew letter for B, but together, the letters or word, AB, means Father. When you put your trust in […]

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Why Forgiveness Is More Important For You Than For Others

by Jack Wellman
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We are commanded to forgive one another, but why is forgiving others more important for us than for others? Forgiven Anyone that’s had a relationship knows what it feels like to be forgiven and probably what it feels like to forgive someone, but also what it feels like when someone won’t forgive you. I can […]

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If We Do Not Forgive Others, Does This Mean God Will Not Forgive Us?

by Jack Wellman
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Have you heard Jesus say, “If you do not forgive others of their sins, neither will yours be?” What does Jesus mean? Forgiven Much When my natural heart starts to grumble, which is seen as rebellion to God, I start to think of chapters like Philippians 2, and Romans 5:6-10, where the Word puts me […]

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Reversing Unforgiveness

by Guest
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By Dr. Wyatt Fisher “Have you forgiven him?” How many times have you been asked this by well intending friends when discussing a recent fight with your spouse? For most of us, we hear this often and while forgiveness should certainly be our ultimate goal in response to hurts and offenses in marriage, it’s often […]

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8 Awesome KJV (King James Version) Verses About Forgiveness

by Pamela Rose Williams
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I like the lyrics to a song Matthew West wrote that say “It’s the hardest thing to give away, and the last thing on your mind today. It always goes to those that don’t deserve. Forgiveness”. That sums it up! Forgiveness is oftentimes misunderstood and standing ready to forgive can be quite painful and uncomfortable. […]

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6 Tips To Restoring A Broken Relationship With A Parent

by Jack Wellman
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Here are 6 tips that I hope can help you restore a broken relationship with a parent. Keep the Commandment Exodus 20:12 says “Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long in the land that the Lord your God is giving you.” Here is the first commandment with a promise and it is […]

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How to Get Along With Other Christians

by Robert Driskell
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The actions of Christians should be characterized by love, peace, joy, and other evidences that we are children of the Living God.  Too many times, the church is seen as anything but loving.  How are we to live with one another in this relationship called ‘The Church’?  The New Testament gives us many instructions for […]

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