Psalm 103 – A Bible Study Showing Us the Very Heart of God

by Jack Wellman
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Psalm 103 gives us a clear view of the heart and mind of God and why this Psalm will lift your spirits. Bless His Name Psalm 103 gives us a clear view of the heart and mind of God and why this Psalm will lift your spirits. Knowing that He has redeemed us through Christ, […]

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Here’s How to Forgive Our Enemies (And Pray for Them)

by Jack Wellman
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It is very hard to forgive family and friends, but how can we forgive someone who is our enemy and doing us harm? Dying for the Ungodly It is very hard to forgive family and friends at times, but how can we forgive someone who is our enemy and doing us harm? To start with, […]

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Forgiveness and Reconciliation in Relationships: The Role of God’s Grace and Mercy

by Guest
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Some things that are broken can be fixed, including broken relationships. There is room for forgiveness and reconciliation by God’s grace and mercy. Maintaining Relationships Some things that are broken can be fixed, including broken relationships. There is room for forgiveness and reconciliation by God’s grace and mercy. Maintaining healthy relationships can be one of […]

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How Can I Get Rid of My Shame or Guilt?

by Jack Wellman
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E veryone feels guilty at some point, but we don’t have to live with shame or guilt, so how do we get rid of our shame and guilt once and for all? All Are Guilty Everyone feels guilty at some point, but we don’t have to live with guilt, so how do we get rid […]

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How Can I Learn to Forgive Someone? Answers From the Bible

by Jack Wellman
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Forgiving someone for hurting you is difficult, and some find that they just can’t do it, so how can we learn to forgive someone? Forgiving and Being Forgiven Forgiving someone for hurting you is difficult, and some find that they just can’t do it, so how can we learn to forgive someone? We can forgive […]

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How You Can Be More Like Jesus Christ

by Jack Wellman
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Don’t we want to be more like Jesus Christ? Here’s one of the best ways to do that. Be Forgiving Don’t we want to be more like Jesus Christ? Here’s one of the best ways to do that. One of the greatest and most loving acts of God was the sinless Son of God going […]

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How Do You Forgive Someone Who Hasn’t Forgiven You?

by Jack Wellman
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How Do You Forgive Someone That Refuses to Forgive You? Forgiveness Jesus taught much about forgiveness, but what does a Christian do when someone won’t forgive them, even if they’ve forgiven them? Are we supposed to forget about it after we’ve tried to ask for forgiveness and they’ve refused? How do you forgive someone who […]

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What is the Purpose of the Book of Philemon?

by Jack Wellman
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What was the Apostle Paul’s reason for writing the Book of Philemon? Explore several reasons why it was. Book of Philemon Paul declares himself to actually be the author in this short, one chapter Book of Philemon. Paul not only says who wrote the Book of Philemon but he also tells who he wrote to […]

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How God Restores The Fallen From Grace

by Jack Wellman
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How can God restore people like King David who was a murderer and adulterer, or Peter who denied Jesus three times and even cursed, or Jonah who simply ran away from God? Peter’s Denial How can God restore people like King David who was a murderer and adulterer, or Peter who denied Jesus three times […]

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Psalm 51 – David’s Prayer Of Repentance

by Jack Wellman
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Psalm 51 is perhaps the greatest prayer of repentance in the Bible and is useful for us to use when we need to seek God’s forgiveness and repent of our sins. Repentance Psalm 51 is perhaps the greatest prayer of repentance in the Bible and it’s useful for us to use when we need to […]

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