My Favorite KJV (King James Version) Bible Scriptures About Hope

by Pamela Rose Williams
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Hope. We use this word allot. It is a word that has been in our English language for many years. Therefore, the King James Version of the Bible presents us with many good verses about hope. Here are some of my favorites: Featured Favorite KJV Hope Verses Hebrews 6:17-19: “Wherein God, willing more abundantly to […]

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10 Great New Testament KJV Bible Verses On Faith

by Pamela Rose Williams
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Of all the words and concepts in the Bible perhaps faith is of the utmost importance for “without faith it is impossible to please him [God]: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him” (Heb 11:6). In fact, that whole […]

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5 Surefire Ways To Strengthen Your Faith

by Jack Wellman
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Here are 5 great ways to fire up or strengthen your faith straight from the Bible. Serving in the Hard Places If you think you need to have your faith strengthened then try serving someone.  For one thing, it allows us to see just how much we have been blessed by God.  Our church started […]

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How To Choose Faith Over Fear

by Crystal McDowell
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It’s a choice every believer can’t avoid—either we are walking in faith or fear. Faith in the face of fear stretches us to grow up spiritually. In Romans 10:17 we recognize that “faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word about Christ”. In order to build our faith we […]

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How To Be A Faithful Christian While In College

by Derek Hill
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College is a time of life that unfortunately changes many men and women.  Kids out of high school get excited about being out of mom and dad’s house, and going to live away in a dorm to finally be free.  They anticipate new friendships and activities, and may even have good intentions of staying faithful […]

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10 Examples of Faith in the Bible

by Pamela Rose Williams
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When I did a search on “faith” in the Bible I received 231 occurrences of faith or some other form of that word. That tells me that God must place much importance on faith if He uses it that many times to communicate with us through His Word. Narrowing down my search I want to […]

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What is Childlike Faith? A Bible Study

by Robert Driskell
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It is often said in Christian circles that we should have ‘childlike faith’.  While this term is not found in the Bible, the concept is readily seen when one takes a closer look.  Jesus clearly said that there is something about the attitude of the child that is essential for admittance into His Kingdom. In […]

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What Is The Difference Between Faith and Belief? A Bible Study

by Robert Driskell
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Many people say with confidence, that they ‘believe’ in God. Many of these same people think that this is enough to guarantee that their sins are forgiven and gain them admission to Heaven. However, is this simple ‘belief’ in God enough? Is this ‘belief’ the same as the ‘faith’ spoken of in the Bible? Let […]

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Mustard Seed Faith: Meaning and Life Lessons

by Jack Wellman
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What did Jesus mean when He said if you have faith as a mustard seed?  Does this mean that we only need a small amount of faith?  Can tiny amounts of faith really move mountains?  What is the meaning of this saying of Jesus and the applications for our life? The Mustard Seed Mustard trees […]

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Is Doubt A Sin? Can it be a Good Thing?

by Robert Driskell
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As Christians, many of us initially believed because someone else told us it was true. Our parents, grandparents, friends, co-workers, or someone else presented the Gospel to us, we believed it, and trusted Jesus for our salvation. The Holy Spirit confirmed that truth in our hearts, and we knew we were saved. However, as we […]

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