How to Hope in God When it Seems Hopeless

by Jack Wellman
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When it seems we’ve reached the end of our rope and everything seems hopeless, you can still have hope in Christ. Hope in His Love – Psalm 33:18 When it seems we’ve reached the end of our rope and everything seems hopeless, you can still have hope in Christ. King David had been in peril […]

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5 Things About Biblical Faith

by Jack Wellman
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The Bible says a lot about faith, but what is true, biblical faith and how can we have it? Faith is More Than Hoping – Hebrews 11 The Bible says a lot about faith, but what is true, biblical faith and how can we have it? Read why faith is more than just hoping for […]

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How to Praise God in the Storm

by Jack Wellman
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Is it even possible to praise God in the middle of a storm? I believe it is, and here’s how. Even When it Hurts Is it even possible to praise God in the middle of a storm? From my own personal experience, this is one of the hardest things I’ve ever done in my life; […]

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How Abraham’s Calling is Like Ours

by Jack Wellman
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Why would God call Abraham while he was still practicing in paganism? God called Abraham in similar fashion to how He called us. The Unconditional Covenant The story of Abram in Genesis 12 and his calling by God contains particular genre characteristics that are unique in the Bible. The original context of his calling and […]

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How God is Sovereignly Working in Your Life Using Trials

by Jack Wellman
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We make plenty of mistakes in life but God does nothing by mistake but is sovereignly working everything together in your life for your very best and for His glory. No Accidents God never makes a mistake and He even uses our mistakes for His glory and purpose. Scripture teaches that “we know that for […]

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Why it’s Important to Believe

by Guest
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Many people say they believe, but what do they really believe and why is it so important to know? You’re Not Alone Many people say they believe, but what do they really believe and why is it so important to know? When times are difficult for a person, hopelessness sets in. And it begins to […]

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How Todays Schools Can Teach About Faith

by Guest
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Some schools still teach religion and go in depth about different faiths, but how can the schools of today teach about the Christian faith? Hot Topics Some topics, like faith and politics, are hot topics that bring people of similar beliefs together, but that also divide those of differing views. The issue of teaching faith […]

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What Does It Mean, “The Just Shall Live By Faith?”

by Jack Wellman
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The Bible frequently says, “The just shall live by faith,” so what does that mean exactly? What is Faith? It sounds like a simple enough question. What is faith? A child has faith that their parent will take care of them and cross the street safely. The child trusts that the parent is holding onto […]

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What Is A Crisis Of Faith? Are You Having One Now?

by Jack Wellman
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What is a crisis of faith and what do you do when you have one? Losing Faith What happens when you’ve lost your faith? What do you do when you feel your spirit’s broken and now you’ve entered a crisis of faith? Maybe we can look to Scripture and see what the other saints did […]

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I Think I’m Saved But I’m Not Sure

by Jack Wellman
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If you’ve ever doubted your salvation, you’re not alone, but there are ways you can make your election and calling sure. Examining our Faith I am actually glad when people do not take their salvation for granted or tell me or someone else they’re not sure they’re saved. Besides, many of the greatest saints of […]

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