Prayer Is To Align Us With God’s Will

by Guest
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Spirit-led prayers carry the purpose, power, and faith that Christ promises His Church.. God’s Faith and Power Flow Through Praying His Will John 14:12 – “Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever believes in me will also do the works that I do; and greater works than these will he do, because I am going […]

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God’s Life -Transforming Gift of Faith

by Guest
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True Christian faith is the gift of God, not only for salvation but for empowering us through absolute belief and trust in God and the truths presented in His Scriptures. God’s Gift True Christian faith is the gift of God, not only for salvation but also for every aspect of His design for our unique […]

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Will God Reward Our Acts of Kindness to the Lost?

by Jack Wellman
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We know God will reward each person according to their works on earth, but what about the good things we do for lost people? Will God reward us for doing good things to those outside the church? The Invisible Elect We know God will reward each person according to their works on earth (Matt 16:27; […]

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Equally Yoked – Why Shared Faith Matters in Marriage

by Guest
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What does the Bible say about marriage, in particular, marriage between the saved and unsaved? Love and Faith What does the Bible say about marriage, in particular, marriage between the saved and unsaved? When dreaming about your ideal marriage, you probably think of a lifetime of love, partnership, and building a family. It certainly can […]

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Why Trials Are Good For Us

by Jack Wellman
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Many people try to avoid trials, but God allows trials for our good. Building a Steadfast Faith Many people try to avoid trials, but God allows trials for our good. James knew all about trials that the early church were facing. Many had been shunned by family, rejected at the synagogue, lost their jobs and […]

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Why Does God Allow Trials, Tests and Tribulations?

by Jack Wellman
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Why would a good God allow His children to go through trials, troubles and suffering? He has very good reasons! Toil and Trouble Why would a good God allow His children to go through trials, troubles and suffering? He has very good reasons! If there were never any troubles and everything went perfectly for everyone, […]

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How Tests, Trials and Tribulations Make us More Like Christ

by Jack Wellman
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How does God use trials, tests and tribulations in our life? God allows only that which is good for us. Being Like Jesus How does God use trials, tests and tribulations in our life? God allows only that which is good for us. A good example is a tree. A tree grows most rapidly during […]

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How to Have Faith Even in the Darkest of Times

by Jack Wellman
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How can you maintain your faith, even when things are falling apart all around you and even in the darkest of times? A Tested Faith How can you maintain your faith, even when things are falling apart all around you and even in the darkest of times? I love what one person said: “Faith is […]

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How Trials, Troubles and Tribulations Bring People to Christ

by Jack Wellman
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Typically we want to avoid trials and troubles, but God uses these to bring many people to Jesus Christ and salvation. Toil and Trouble Typically, we want to avoid trials and troubles, but God uses these to bring many people to Jesus Christ and salvation. There are no shortages of troubles today, but this has […]

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5 Great Examples of the Hope in the Bible

by Jack Wellman
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Without hope, everyone would be discouraged, but the Christian’s hope is not a hope-so, but a know-so hope. Hope of God’s Love – Psalm 33 Without hope, everyone would be discouraged, but the Christian’s hope is not a hope-so hope, but a know-so hope. The psalmist reminds us that we have no hope outside of […]

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