The Greatest Danger for Christian Ministries

by Jack Wellman
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What is the biggest threat to a Christian ministry? Success! Giving God the Glory What is the biggest threat to a Christian ministry? Success, so believe it or not, the Christian’s greatest risk for failure or falling is not during a trial or tribulation, but when they’ve just achieved something great. When we become successful […]

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How God Turns Our Failures Into Success

by Jack Wellman
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How can God use our many failures and turn them into success? Believe me, it’s possible! Using Failure How can God use our many failures and turn them into success? I can’t count all the inventors who, if they had given up, would have never invented great things like the airplane, the light bulb, the […]

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Why Failure Helps Christians Learn and Grow

by Jack Wellman
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Most people look at failure as final, but for Christians, its part of what makes them grow. Mistakes If not for mistakes, Edison wouldn’t have found the right formula for the long-lasting light bulb. He learned from his mistakes about what didn’t work, and by doing so, he was narrowing down to what finally would […]

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Bible Verses For When You’ve Failed Or Blown It

by Jack Wellman
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Many people, Christians included, have failed or blown it big time, so what Scriptures can help us persevere when we’ve failed again? Falling into Sin How many of us have failed or blown it big time? I am the first to raise my hand on this subject, but I don’t think I’m alone. There are […]

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5 Ways Failures In Life Can Shape Us Into Who God Wants Us To Become

by Jack Wellman
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Here are 5 ways that God can shape us in this life to become what He wants us to become, even if it’s in failure. Examining Ourselves Perhaps God allows failures to show us where we might have sin in our life or where we need to grow.  Maybe we’re taking our eyes off of […]

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