What Do I Say to People When I Share the Gospel?

by Jack Wellman
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Many people are at a loss for words when sharing the gospel, so what can you say to introduce the subject of faith in Christ? The Great Omission It is difficult to introduce the subject of the Gospel and Jesus Christ for the majority of people and that’s the reason why so few Christians evangelize […]

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Why Everyone is Called to be a Witness For Christ

by Jack Wellman
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The Great Commission given by Jesus Christ was not only for the disciples; it is given to the whole church as an imperative command. The Great Commission Omission  The Great Commission given by Jesus Christ was not only for the disciples; it is given to the whole church as an imperative command (Matt 28:18-20; Acts 1:8). […]

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Why Christians Should Not Be Angry With Lost Sinners and Their Sin

by Jack Wellman
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Christians should not be angry at lost sinners but rather love them and pray for them. God’s First Move Christians should not be angry at lost sinners but rather love them and pray for them. First of all, there go we but by God’s grace, and secondly, God loved us first before we ever loved […]

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Why Most Christians Are Not Witnessing as Commanded

by Jack Wellman
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Why do the vast majority of Christians fail to witness to the lost as Jesus commanded? The Great Omission Why do the vast majority of Christians fail to witness to the lost as Jesus commanded? I start with asking myself, “Do I witness enough as some in the early church did like Peter, John and […]

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Where Are Christian Missionaries Needed Most Today: 5 Areas To Consider

by David Peach
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Before Christ returned to heaven He gave the command for His followers to go into all the world and preach the Gospel. According to the first chapter of Acts they were to begin in Jerusalem and then work their way out to regions farther and farther away. God’s plan of evangelism has not ceased today. […]

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8 Common Excuses Christians Give To Not Evangelize

by David Peach
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There are many reasons that people give for not being a witness for the Lord. However, many are just excuses. God has equipped us and commanded us to be witnesses of what He has done for us in our lives. Matthew 28:19, 20 “Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name […]

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A Powerful Way to Witness to Someone Using the Old Testament

by David Peach
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I am fascinated by the historical summaries found in the Bible. Several times in the Old and New Testament you see a re-telling of former events. Moses did it several times. Jesus did it on the road to Emmaus. Paul and Peter do it in the book of Acts. Why are these re-tellings recorded in […]

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How To Share The Gospel With Family

by Jack Wellman
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Are there ways that you could share the gospel with your unsaved family members?  Since you know them so well, what is the best way to approach a member of your family?  How can you find common ground with a non-believer in your family? What is the Gospel? The word gospel means “good news or […]

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How to turn your sermon into clips

Share the truth