What Do I Say to People When I Share the Gospel?

by Jack Wellman
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Many people are at a loss for words when sharing the gospel, so what can you say to introduce the subject of faith in Christ? The Great Omission It is difficult to introduce the subject of the Gospel and Jesus Christ for the majority of people and that’s the reason why so few Christians evangelize […]

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Should Christians Minister to Unsaved People?

by Jack Wellman
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Christians are commanded to love, serve and pray for one another, but should Christians also minister to unsaved people? Attracted to Christ Christians are commanded to love, serve and pray for one another, but should Christians also minister to unsaved people? If I only did good things for Christians, any unsaved family or friends I […]

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Why Everyone is Called to be a Witness For Christ

by Jack Wellman
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The Great Commission given by Jesus Christ was not only for the disciples; it is given to the whole church as an imperative command. The Great Commission Omission  The Great Commission given by Jesus Christ was not only for the disciples; it is given to the whole church as an imperative command (Matt 28:18-20; Acts 1:8). […]

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How to Use Gentleness and Respect to Share the Gospel

by Jack Wellman
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The Bible tells us how we can more easily share the gospel when we share it with gentleness and respect. They Are Watching Us The Bible tells us how we can more easily share the gospel when we share it with gentleness and respect. I remember John MacArthur saying, “You might be the only Bible […]

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How to Plant Seeds of the Gospel

by Jack Wellman
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How can we witness to lost sinners and at least plant a seed so that someone else might water it? God Gives the Increase How can we witness to lost sinners and at least plant a seed so that someone else might water it? The late pastor Adrian Rogers once put it nicely when saying, […]

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Why is the Harvest So Great But the Laborers So Few?

by Jack Wellman
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Jesus told His disciples to “pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest,” so why are so few entering into the harvest by sharing the gospel? A Labor Shortage Jesus told His disciples to “pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his […]

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How Do I Witness to a Muslim? What Are the Differences Between Christianity and the Islamic Faith?

by Jack Wellman
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Believers are to bring the gospel to the whole world, but what about Muslims? How do we witness to them and what are the differences between the two religions? Explain the Differences Believers are to bring the gospel to the whole world, but what about Muslims? How do we witness to them and what are […]

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Catalysts of Truth: Being a Catalyst for Christ

by Jack Wellman
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What is a catalyst of truth? How can you be a catalyst for truth and the cause of Christ? Read on. The Spirit What is a catalyst of truth? How can you be a catalyst for truth and the cause of Christ? Speaking scientifically, a catalyst is “a substance that speeds up a chemical reaction, […]

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4 Technology Mistakes Your Church Might Be Making

by Jack Wellman
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Churches can reach more people today with the gospel using technology, but what 4 technology mistakes might your church be making. Sound Bites Churches can reach more people today with the gospel using technology, but what 4 technology mistakes might your church be making? One of those mistakes churches may make is not utilizing technology. […]

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Should Christians Worry About Offending People With the Gospel?

by Jack Wellman
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The gospel offends people, but some are saved, so should Christians worry about offending people by sharing the gospel? For or Against The gospel offends people, but some are saved by it, so should Christians worry about offending people by sharing the gospel? We had better get used to it. The gospel will offend far […]

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How to turn your sermon into clips

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