Is Global Warming Causing Increased Tornadoes and Hurricanes?

by Jack Wellman
Thumbnail image for Is Global Warming Causing Increased Tornadoes and Hurricanes?

Is there enough evidence to prove Global Warming? If so, is Global Warming causing an increase in tornadoes and hurricanes? Is the increase in tornadoes within the past years due to this perceived or real trend of Global Warming? Global Warming – Fact or Fiction Everyone by now has heard of Global Warming. Many are […]

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End Times: Are We in the Last Days?

by Jack Wellman
Thumbnail image for End Times: Are We in the Last Days?

What are the signs that we are living in the last days before Jesus Christ’s return? Are we in the end times?  Are there signs in the Bible which we can read that tell us that we are living in the days just prior to His coming again?  What Scriptures reveal that we could be […]

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Be Alert: No One Knows the Day or Hour

by Jack Wellman
Thumbnail image for Be Alert: No One Knows the Day or Hour

Jesus told His disciples to be alert and ready for no man knows neither the day nor the hour of His return.  This was the theme of the epistles of Paul, John, and Peter.  Over the millennium, countless numbers have predicted times of Christ’s return and they are all batting a big, fat zero.  We […]

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What Does the Bible Say About How the World Will End?

by Jack Wellman

Does the Bible say how the world will end?  Does the Bible say that the world will end?  What is the “end” all about when the end is mentioned in the scriptures? Does the Bible Say How the World Will End?  The Bible actually says that the earth abides forever, so then how can the […]

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